- [ ] Create branch `<%=version.stable_branch%>` from `master`
- [ ] Create branch `<%=version.stable_branch(ee: true)%>` from EE `master`
- [ ] In omnibus create both `<%=version.stable_branch%>` and `<%=version.stable_branch(ee: true)%>` from `master`
- [ ] Create branch `<%=version.stable_branch%>` from CE `master` manually
- [ ] Create branch `<%=version.stable_branch(ee: true)%>` from EE `master` manually
- [ ] In Omnibus create both `<%=version.stable_branch%>` and `<%=version.stable_branch(ee: true)%>` from `master` manually
- [ ] Merge [GitLab CE into EE] on the stable branches
- [ ] Sync CE, EE, and Omnibus to `dev`
@@ -27,17 +27,17 @@ Stable branch should be created after the 7th. The 7th is the last date to relia
- [ ] Ensure `omnibus-gitlab` is ready to build packages by asking the Omnibus maintainers
- Follow the [Creating RC1] guide:
- [ ] Update the "Installation from Source" guide
- [ ] Create the "Update" guides
- [ ] Update the gitignore and license templates
- [ ] Update the dependencies license list
- [ ] Ensure above steps are merged to `master` and marked `Pick into Stable` for milestone `<%=version.to_minor%>`
- [ ] Create MR on CE master updating the "Installation from Source" guide, creating the "Update" guides
- [ ] Create MR on EE master creating the "CE to EE" guides
- [ ] Create MR on CE master updating the gitignore and license templates
- [ ] Create MR on CE master updating the dependencies license list
- [ ] Ensure above MRs are merged and marked `Pick into Stable` for milestone `<%=version.to_minor%>`
- [ ] Cherry-pick merge requests labeled [`Pick into Stable`] for the current
milestone (you can take advantage of the [`Pick into Stable` <%=version.to_minor%> merged merge requests] page) into
the CE `<%=version.stable_branch%>` and EE `<%=version.stable_branch(ee: true)%>`
branches, respectively.
- [ ] Merge CE `<%=version.stable_branch%>` into EE `<%=version.stable_branch(ee: true)%>` following the [Merging a CE stable branch into its EE counterpart] guide
- [ ] Check for any problematic migrations in EE (EE migrations include CE ones), and paste the diff in a snippet: `git diff LATEST_PATCH_TAG-ee..master -- db/migrate` =>
- [ ] Check for any problematic migrations in EE (EE migrations include CE ones), and paste the diff in a snippet: `git diff LATEST_PATCH_TAG-ee..<%=version.stable_branch(ee: true)%> -- db/migrate` =>