@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ DEFINE_STRING(pathsToIgnore, @"", @"Semantic History: Paths to ignore for Semant
DEFINE_BOOL(showYellowMarkForJobStoppedBySignal, YES, @"Semantic History: Use a yellow for a Shell Integration prompt mark when the job is stopped by a signal.");
#pragma mark - Debugging
DEFINE_BOOL(startDebugLoggingAutomatically, NO, @"Debugging: Start debug logging automatically when iTerm2 is launched.");
DEFINE_BOOL(startDebugLoggingAutomatically, YES, @"Debugging: Start debug logging automatically when iTerm2 is launched.");
DEFINE_BOOL(logDrawingPerformance, NO, @"Debugging: Log stats about text drawing performance to console.\nUsed for performance testing.");
DEFINE_BOOL(logRestorableStateSize, NO, @"Debugging: Log restorable state size info to /tmp/statesize.*.txt.");