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Commit 4874b2b9 authored by Tom Feist's avatar Tom Feist
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removed "iTermTerminalProfileMgr.m" as obsolete

parent a4fdaf18
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** iTermTerminalProfileMgr.m
** Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004
** Author: Tianming Yang
** Project: iTerm
** Description: terminal profile manager.
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#import "Profiles/ITAddressBookMgr.h"
#import "iTermTerminalProfileMgr.h"
static iTermTerminalProfileMgr *singleInstance = nil;
@implementation iTermTerminalProfileMgr
// Class methods
+ (id) singleInstance
if(singleInstance == nil)
singleInstance = [[iTermTerminalProfileMgr alloc] init];
return (singleInstance);
// Instance methods
- (id) init
self = [super init];
return (nil);
profiles = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
return (self);
- (void) dealloc
[profiles release];
[super dealloc];
- (NSDictionary *) profiles
return (profiles);
- (void) setProfiles: (NSMutableDictionary *) aDict
NSEnumerator *keyEnumerator;
NSMutableDictionary *mappingDict;
NSString *profileName;
NSDictionary *sourceDict;
// recursively copy the dictionary to ensure mutability
if(aDict != nil)
keyEnumerator = [aDict keyEnumerator];
while((profileName = [keyEnumerator nextObject]) != nil)
sourceDict = [aDict objectForKey: profileName];
mappingDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary: sourceDict];
[profiles setObject: mappingDict forKey: profileName];
[mappingDict release];
else // if we don't have any profile, create a default profile
NSMutableDictionary *aProfile;
NSString *defaultName;
defaultName = NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(@"Default",@"iTerm", [NSBundle bundleForClass: [self class]],
@"Terminal Profiles");
aProfile = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[profiles setObject: aProfile forKey: defaultName];
[aProfile release];
[aProfile setObject: @"Yes" forKey: @"Default Profile"];
[self setType: @"xterm" forProfile: defaultName];
[self setEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding forProfile: defaultName];
[self setScrollbackLines: 1000 forProfile: defaultName];
[self setSilenceBell: NO forProfile: defaultName];
[self setBlinkCursor: NO forProfile: defaultName];
[self setCloseOnSessionEnd: YES forProfile: defaultName];
[self setDoubleWidth: YES forProfile: defaultName];
[self setSendIdleChar: NO forProfile: defaultName];
[self setIdleChar: 0 forProfile: defaultName];
- (NSString *) defaultProfileName
NSDictionary *aProfile;
NSEnumerator *keyEnumerator;
NSString *aKey, *aProfileName;
keyEnumerator = [profiles keyEnumerator];
aProfileName = nil;
while ((aKey = [keyEnumerator nextObject]))
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: aKey];
if([self isDefaultProfile: aKey])
aProfileName = aKey;
return (aProfileName);
- (void) addProfileWithName: (NSString *) newProfile copyProfile: (NSString *) sourceProfile
NSMutableDictionary *aMutableDict, *aProfile;
if([sourceProfile length] > 0 && [newProfile length] > 0)
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: sourceProfile];
aMutableDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary: aProfile];
[aMutableDict removeObjectForKey: @"Default Profile"];
[profiles setObject: aMutableDict forKey: newProfile];
[aMutableDict release];
- (void) deleteProfileWithName: (NSString *) profileName
if([profileName length] <= 0)
[self updateBookmarkProfile: profileName with:@"Default"];
[profiles removeObjectForKey: profileName];
- (BOOL) isDefaultProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSDictionary *aProfile;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
return (NO);
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
return ([[aProfile objectForKey: @"Default Profile"] isEqualToString: @"Yes"]);
- (NSString *) typeForProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSDictionary *aProfile;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
return (nil);
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
return (nil);
return ([aProfile objectForKey: @"Term Type"]);
- (void) setType: (NSString *) type forProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSMutableDictionary *aProfile;
if([profileName length] <= 0 || [type length] <= 0)
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
[aProfile setObject: type forKey: @"Term Type"];
- (NSStringEncoding) encodingForProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSDictionary *aProfile;
NSNumber *encoding;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
return (NSUTF8StringEncoding);
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
return (NSUTF8StringEncoding);
encoding = [aProfile objectForKey: @"Encoding"];
if(encoding == nil)
return (NSUTF8StringEncoding);
return ([encoding unsignedIntValue]);
- (void) setEncoding: (NSStringEncoding) encoding forProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSMutableDictionary *aProfile;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
[aProfile setObject: [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt: (unsigned int) encoding] forKey: @"Encoding"];
- (int) scrollbackLinesForProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSDictionary *aProfile;
NSNumber *lines;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
return (0);
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
return (0);
lines = [aProfile objectForKey: @"Scrollback"];
if(lines == nil)
return (0);
return ([lines unsignedIntValue]);
- (void) setScrollbackLines: (int) lines forProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSMutableDictionary *aProfile;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
[aProfile setObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: (lines < 0 ? -1 : lines)] forKey: @"Scrollback"];
- (BOOL) silenceBellForProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSDictionary *aProfile;
NSNumber *silent;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
return (NO);
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
return (NO);
silent = [aProfile objectForKey: @"Silence Bell"];
if(silent == nil)
return (NO);
return ([silent boolValue]);
- (void) setSilenceBell: (BOOL) silent forProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSMutableDictionary *aProfile;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
[aProfile setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: silent] forKey: @"Silence Bell"];
- (BOOL) showBellForProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSDictionary *aProfile;
NSNumber *showBell;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
return (NO);
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
return (NO);
showBell = [aProfile objectForKey: @"Show Bell"];
if(showBell == nil)
return (YES);
return ([showBell boolValue]);
- (void) setShowBell: (BOOL) showBell forProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSMutableDictionary *aProfile;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
[aProfile setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: showBell] forKey: @"Show Bell"];
- (BOOL) growlForProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSDictionary *aProfile;
NSNumber *growl;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
return (NO);
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
return (NO);
growl = [aProfile objectForKey: @"Growl"];
if(growl == nil)
return (YES);
return ([growl boolValue]);
- (void) setGrowl: (BOOL) growl forProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSMutableDictionary *aProfile;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
[aProfile setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: growl] forKey: @"Growl"];
- (BOOL) blinkCursorForProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSDictionary *aProfile;
NSNumber *blink;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
return (YES);
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
return (YES);
blink = [aProfile objectForKey: @"Blink"];
if(blink == nil)
return (YES);
return ([blink boolValue]);
- (void) setBlinkCursor: (BOOL) blink forProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSMutableDictionary *aProfile;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
[aProfile setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: blink] forKey: @"Blink"];
- (BOOL) closeOnSessionEndForProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSDictionary *aProfile;
NSNumber *shouldClose;
if ([profileName length] <= 0) {
return (YES);
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if (aProfile == nil) {
return (YES);
shouldClose = [aProfile objectForKey: @"Auto shouldClose"];
if (shouldClose == nil) {
return (YES);
return ([shouldClose boolValue]);
- (void) setCloseOnSessionEnd: (BOOL) shouldClose forProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSMutableDictionary *aProfile;
if ([profileName length] <= 0)
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
[aProfile setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: shouldClose] forKey: @"Auto Close"];
- (BOOL) doubleWidthForProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSDictionary *aProfile;
NSNumber *doubleWidth;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
return (YES);
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
return (YES);
doubleWidth = [aProfile objectForKey: @"Double Width"];
if(doubleWidth == nil)
return (YES);
return ([doubleWidth boolValue]);
- (void) setDoubleWidth: (BOOL) doubleWidth forProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSMutableDictionary *aProfile;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
[aProfile setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: doubleWidth] forKey: @"Double Width"];
- (BOOL) sendIdleCharForProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSDictionary *aProfile;
NSNumber *send;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
return (YES);
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
return (YES);
send = [aProfile objectForKey: @"Send Idle Char"];
if(send == nil)
return (YES);
return ([send boolValue]);
- (void) setSendIdleChar: (BOOL) send forProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSMutableDictionary *aProfile;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
[aProfile setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: send] forKey: @"Send Idle Char"];
- (char) idleCharForProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSDictionary *aProfile;
NSNumber *idleChar;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
return (0);
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
return (0);
idleChar = [aProfile objectForKey: @"Idle Char"];
if(idleChar == nil)
return (0);
return ([idleChar unsignedIntValue]);
- (void) setIdleChar: (char) idle forProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSMutableDictionary *aProfile;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
[aProfile setObject: [NSNumber numberWithChar: idle] forKey: @"Idle Char"];
- (BOOL) xtermMouseReportingForProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSDictionary *aProfile;
NSNumber *xtermMouseReporting;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
return (YES);
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
return (YES);
xtermMouseReporting = [aProfile objectForKey: @"Xterm Mouse Reporting"];
if(xtermMouseReporting == nil)
return (YES);
return ([xtermMouseReporting boolValue]);
- (void) setXtermMouseReporting: (BOOL) xtermMouseReporting forProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSMutableDictionary *aProfile;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
[aProfile setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: xtermMouseReporting] forKey: @"Xterm Mouse Reporting"];
- (BOOL) appendTitleForProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSDictionary *aProfile;
NSNumber *appendTitle;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
return (YES);
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
return (NO);
appendTitle = [aProfile objectForKey: @"Append Title"];
if(appendTitle == nil)
return (NO);
return ([appendTitle boolValue]);
- (void) setAppendTitle: (BOOL) appendTitle forProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSMutableDictionary *aProfile;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
[aProfile setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: appendTitle] forKey: @"Append Title"];
- (BOOL) noResizingForProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSDictionary *aProfile;
NSNumber *noResizing;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
return (NO);
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
return (NO);
noResizing = [aProfile objectForKey: @"No Resizing"];
if(noResizing == nil)
return (NO);
return ([noResizing boolValue]);
- (void) setNoResizing: (BOOL) noResizing forProfile: (NSString *) profileName
NSMutableDictionary *aProfile;
if([profileName length] <= 0)
aProfile = [profiles objectForKey: profileName];
if(aProfile == nil)
[aProfile setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: noResizing] forKey: @"No Resizing"];
- (void) updateBookmarkNode: (TreeNode *)node forProfile: (NSString*) oldProfile with:(NSString*)newProfile
int i;
TreeNode *child;
NSDictionary *aDict;
int n = [node numberOfChildren];
for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
child = [node childAtIndex:i];
if ([child isLeaf]) {
aDict = [child nodeData];
if ([[aDict objectForKey:KEY_TERMINAL_PROFILE] isEqualToString: oldProfile]) {
NSMutableDictionary *newBookmark= [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary: aDict];
[newBookmark setObject: newProfile forKey: KEY_TERMINAL_PROFILE];
[child setNodeData: newBookmark];
[newBookmark release];
else {
[self updateBookmarkNode: child forProfile: oldProfile with:newProfile];
- (void) updateBookmarkProfile: (NSString*) oldProfile with:(NSString*)newProfile
[self updateBookmarkNode: [[ITAddressBookMgr sharedInstance] rootNode] forProfile: oldProfile with:newProfile];
// Post a notification for all listeners that bookmarks have changed
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName: @"iTermReloadAddressBook" object: nil userInfo: nil];
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