@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ DEFINE_BOOL(alwaysAcceptFirstMouse, NO, @"Mouse: Always accept first mouse event
DEFINE_BOOL(doubleReportScrollWheel, NO, @"Mouse: Double-report scroll wheel events to work around tmux scrolling bug.");
DEFINE_BOOL(stealKeyFocus, NO, @"Mouse: When Focus Follows Mouse is enabled, steal key focus even when inactive.");
DEFINE_BOOL(cmdClickWhenInactiveInvokesSemanticHistory, NO, @"Mouse: ⌘-click in an active pane while iTerm2 isn't the active app invokes Semantic History.\nBy default, iTerm2 respects the OS standard that ⌘-click in an app that doesn't have keyboard focus behaves like a non-⌘ click that does not raise the window.");
DEFINE_BOOL(sensitiveScrollWheel, NO, @"Mouse: Scroll on any scroll wheel movement, no matter how small?");
#pragma mark Terminal
DEFINE_BOOL(traditionalVisualBell, NO, @"Terminal: Visual bell flashes the whole screen, not just a bell icon.");