These release notes are for the development builds of iTerm2. The last stable release was 1.0.0.
Implement ALL the features!
Important notes - read this!
@@ -9,16 +9,16 @@ There was a bug in the previous release that caused many users to get a prompt o
- A "Toolbelt" has been added. It's a drawer that opens to the right of a window and shows running jobs, paste history, and lets you open new windows/tabs/splits. Look for the Toolbelt menu.
- Three finger click on a trackpad emulates the middle button (which by default performs Paste).
- Add ability to change profile from Edit Current Session.
- Add option to copy trailing newlines when making a selection that includes a whole line at its end.
- Allow windows to temporarily grow larger than the screen.
- Change mouse cursor to indicate that mouse reporting is on.
- Add preference to disable transparency when entering fullscreen mode.
- Improve support for keyboard that require a modifier to type a number.
- Add preference to disable saving lines to the scrollback buffer while in alternate screen mode.
- Implemented bracketed paste mode (this is cool, see here:
- Implemented bracketed paste mode (this is cool, see vim script here:
- For new users under Lion, xterm-256color will be the default terminal.
- Add ability to open .itermcolors files by double clicking on them.
- Add ability to change profile from Edit Current Session.
- Add proprietary escape code <esc>]50;SetProfile=X^G to set the current session's profile to the one named X.
- Add proprietary escape code to send text to clipboard. To use, send esc]50;CopyToClipboard=X^G followed by text followed by esc]50;EndCopy^G, where X is a clipboard name from the set: ruler, find, font, or general. If not specified, general is used.