@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ DEFINE_BOOL(ignoreHardNewlinesInURLs, NO, @"Semantic History: Ignore hard newlin
// Note: square brackets are included for ipv6 addresses like http://[2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe96:6a7a]/
DEFINE_STRING(URLCharacterSet, @".?\\/:;%=&_-,+~#@!*'(())|[]", @"Semantic History: Non-alphanumeric characters considered part of a URL for Semantic History.\nLetters and numbers are always considered part of the URL. These non-alphanumeric characters are used in addition for the purposes of figuring out where a URL begins and ends.");
DEFINE_INT(maxSemanticHistoryPrefixOrSuffix, 2000, @"Semantic History: Maximum number of bytes of text before and after click location to take into account.\nThis also limits the size of the \\3 and \\4 substitutions.");
DEFINE_STRING(pathsToIgnore, @"", @"Semantic History: Paths to ignore for Semantic History.\nSeparate paths with a comma. Any file under one of these paths will not be openable with Semantic History.");
DEFINE_STRING(pathsToIgnore, @"", @"Semantic History: Paths to ignore for Semantic History.\nSeparate paths with a comma. Any file under one of these paths will not be openable with Semantic History. It is wise to add network file systems to this list, since they can be very slow.");
DEFINE_BOOL(showYellowMarkForJobStoppedBySignal, YES, @"Semantic History: Use a yellow for a Shell Integration prompt mark when the job is stopped by a signal.");