@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ DEFINE_BOOL(ignoreHardNewlinesInURLs, NO, @"Semantic History: Ignore hard newlin
DEFINE_STRING(URLCharacterSet, @".?\\/:;%=&_-,+~#@!*'(())|[]", @"Semantic History: Non-alphanumeric characters considered part of a URL for Semantic History.\nLetters and numbers are always considered part of the URL. These non-alphanumeric characters are used in addition for the purposes of figuring out where a URL begins and ends.");
DEFINE_INT(maxSemanticHistoryPrefixOrSuffix, 2000, @"Semantic History: Maximum number of bytes of text before and after click location to take into account.\nThis also limits the size of the \\3 and \\4 substitutions.");
DEFINE_STRING(pathsToIgnore, @"", @"Semantic History: Paths to ignore for Semantic History.\nSeparate paths with a comma. Any file under one of these paths will not be openable with Semantic History.");
DEFINE_BOOL(performDNSLookups, YES, @"Semantic History: Perform DNS lookups to check if URLs are valid?\nWhen enabled, the name under the mouse will be resolved with DNS to determine if it is a clickable link.");
DEFINE_BOOL(performDNSLookups, NO, @"Semantic History: Perform DNS lookups to check if URLs are valid?\nWhen enabled, the name under the mouse will be resolved with DNS to determine if it is a clickable link.");
#pragma mark - Debugging
DEFINE_BOOL(startDebugLoggingAutomatically, NO, @"Debugging: Start debug logging automatically when iTerm2 is launched.");