Add option to expand top/bottom-of-screen visor to overlap dock area.
By on January 24, 2012 19:29 (imported from Google Code)
What steps will reproduce the problem?
I'm using iTerm2 in visor mode (showing from bottom) and my Mac dock is on the left side of the screen. When I press my defined hotkey the visor window is only shown at the width other not-Lion-fullscreen applications can be shown. In case I'm not automatically hiding my dock this means it will only stretch to width of the dock and in case I hide it (CMD+OPTION+D) it nearly stretches to the full width of the screen, but is still missing some pixels. In contrast, TotalTerminal/Visor from BinaryAge does stretch the window to the full width of the screen in all scenarios.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
visor window stretched to full-width, as an "overlay" over the Mac dock
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
iTerm2 beta
Mac OS 10.7.2
Please provide any additional information below.