Support zoom in tmux
By gnach... on February 07, 2013 04:56 (imported from Google Code)
Thanks for pointing that out! It looks like it does some dirty tricks to accomplish the zoom. To zoom it does this:
- Creates a new window called ZOOM-(your window number)-(your pane number)
- swaps the current pane with the new window's pane
- selects the new window
To unzoom, it swaps the panes back and kills the extraneous window.
I could have iTerm2 do something similar. I'm not crazy about having the placeholder window hanging around, but I guess I could just exclude any window that begins with "ZOOM" to match their naming convention.
I'll file a feature request with this info.
On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 5:57 PM, Kai von Fintel <> wrote:
I really like the CMD-SHIFT-ENTER zooming in and out of a pane. This does not seem to work when using tmux (as integrated into the latest iTerm2). There is a script in the tmux source files packaged with iTerm2, which works fine with standard tmux but not when using the integrated "tmux -C".
Is there any way with the integrated tmux to zoom in on a pane and return it to its place afterwards?
-- Kai.