Hotkey window doesn't open on Cmd+Tab
By sbo... on September 12, 2013 12:11 (imported from Google Code)
What steps will reproduce the problem?
- In preferences, enable hotkey window
- Open hotkey window using the chosen KB shortcut
- Cmd+Tab to another application
- Cmd+Tab back to iTerm
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expected: iTerm hotkey window opens
Actual: iTerm application activates (menubar shows active application is iTerm) but no window opens
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
iTerm 2 build on MacOS 10.9 Mavericks DP7 (same issue present using MacOS 10.8.4 Mountain Lion).
Please provide any additional information below.
Clicking the dock icon doesn't open the existing hotkey window either.
Preference "closing hotkey window may switch spaces" doesn't changes this behavior