Hotkey window toolbelt non-function or off-screen
By lylemoff... on December 21, 2013 23:03 (imported from Google Code)
## What steps will reproduce the problem?
- Set Preferences > Profiles > Hotkey Window >Window > Style: Bottom of screen
- Open window with Hotkey Window profile
- Open Toolbelt
## What is the expected output?
Toolbelt should open somewhere on screen.
## What do you see instead?
No change. Toolbelt either does not open, or opens offscreen.
## What version of iTerm2 are you using?
## What OS version are you using?
OSX 10.8.5 ( persistent issue since 10.6 )
## Please provide any additional information below.
If this is simple an intentional design choice, then an alert should pop-up stating that the Toolbelt can not be used with this profile. If requests are being taken on this, i would ask that it show up as a small split-screen on the side.