Splitting pane does not shift focus to new pane
By shane.jeppe... on September 09, 2014 14:26 (imported from Google Code)
When choosing to split a pane vertically/horizontally it should be the case that the focus switches to the new pane as it is at the moment the focus remains on the pane that the instruction is given from.
When testing the behaviour by runnning (from iterm) 'tmux new -s testsplit' and then splitting with 'C-b "' the focus switches to the new window, like I think it should do.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
- open iterm
- run 'tmux -CC'
- In the new tmux window session
- Split pane vertically (either with keyboard shortcut or menu item)
What is the expected output?
That the mouse or focus is switched to the new pane
What do you see instead?
Two split panes, but the active pane is still the old one
What version of iTerm2 are you using?
Build 2.0
What OS version are you using?
OS X 10.9.4
Please provide any additional information below.
The shifting of focus works as intended with using tmux natively. ie. Not ussing iterm has the host/wrapper