Scripting: accessor for hotkey window
By shab... on September 11, 2014 19:21 (imported from Google Code)
Something like
"tell app "iterm" to get hotkey window"
or "tell hotkey window of app "iterm" to {hide|show}"
Do not update/delete: Banner broadcast message test data
Do not update/delete: Notification broadcast message test data
By shab... on September 11, 2014 19:21 (imported from Google Code)
Something like
"tell app "iterm" to get hotkey window"
or "tell hotkey window of app "iterm" to {hide|show}"
Comment 1 by gnach... on September 22, 2014 05:18
(No comment has been entered for this change)
Labels: Milestone: Release4.0
Milestone changed to Future Release
Milestone changed to Feature Complete 3.1
Is there anyway to do this from another program via Swift / Obj-C / etc?
This is in the queue for 3.1 which is getting close to beta.
Fixed in commit 8c7c282b, will be in tomorrow's nightly build.
Fixed in commit 8c7c282b, will be in tomorrow's nightly build.
@gnachman Awesome! Already using it, and it's working like a charm. Thank you so much