Zoom preference is backwards
By bran...@rocketmade.com on October 17, 2014 16:21 (imported from Google Code)
** READ THIS! **
Your report will not be accepted if you don't follow these instructions.
1) Attach your ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist to this
2) Create a debug log while reproducing the issue. Instructions are here:
3) If you are reporting a performance problem, do this:
What steps will reproduce the problem?
- Install iterm
- set the preference "Zoom button maximizes vertically only" to on
- try to zoon
What is the expected output?
that the window would maximize vertically only
What do you see instead?
it maximized in both dimensions
What version of iTerm2 are you using?
What OS version are you using?
OSX Mavericks and Yosemite
Please provide any additional information below.