Exposé display is cut off when shown on attached monitor
By bananastalkt... on November 13, 2014 14:18 (imported from Google Code)
- What steps will reproduce the problem?
- Load iTerm, drag to attached monitor
- Trigger Exposé (cmd-opt-E)
- After a brief graphics studder, Exposé mode is cut off
- What is the expected output?
Full view of the Exposé output
- What do you see instead?
Exposé is cut off except for the top-left of the window
- What version of iTerm2 are you using?
- What OS version are you using?
OSX 10.9.5
- Please provide any additional information below.
I have a MacBook Pro (Retina 15", early 2013) running OSX 10.9.5 with a Thunderbolt monitor (not Retina) arranged to expand the desktop to the right of the laptop display.
Exposé works fine when triggered while the iTerm2 window is on the laptop display rather than the attached Thunderbold monitor.