iTerm2 Shell Integrations don't play well with show-mode-prompt in Bash
By on February 27, 2015 01:25 (imported from Google Code)
Recent versions of Bash (>= 4.3, I believe) have added support for the Readline option 'show-mode-prompt'. Adding Recent versions of Bash (>= 4.3, I believe) have added support for the Readline option 'show-mode-prompt'. Adding set show-mode-prompt onRecent versions of Bash (>= 4.3, I believe) have added support for the Readline option 'show-mode-prompt'. Adding `set show-mode-prompt on to your ~/.inputrc or /etc/inputrc file will cause Bash to prepend your prompt with a character indicating the current Readline mode: "@" for emacs, ":" for vi command, or "+" for vi insertion.
I've found that if I have iTerm2's shell integrations installed, then my prompt will be re-displayed every time the mode character changes.
The expected behavior is that, with Recent versions of Bash (>= 4.3, I believe) have added support for the Readline option 'show-mode-prompt'. Adding set show-mode-prompt on
to your ~/.inputrc or /etc/inputrc file will cause Bash to prepend your prompt with a character indicating the current Readline mode: "@" for emacs, ":" for vi command, or "+" for vi insertion.
I've found that if I have iTerm2's shell integrations installed, then my prompt will be re-displayed every time the mode character changes.
The expected behavior is that, with set editing-mode viRecent versions of Bash (>= 4.3, I believe) have added support for the Readline option 'show-mode-prompt'. Adding set show-mode-prompt on
to your ~/.inputrc or /etc/inputrc file will cause Bash to prepend your prompt with a character indicating the current Readline mode: "@" for emacs, ":" for vi command, or "+" for vi insertion.
I've found that if I have iTerm2's shell integrations installed, then my prompt will be re-displayed every time the mode character changes.
The expected behavior is that, with `set editing-mode vi in my ~/.inputrc, my prompt will start with a "+" in front of it. Then, if I press "esc" to enter vi command mode, that "+" will turn into a ":", without anything else changing.
Instead, with the shell integrations installed, my shell opens with "+" displayed on the line above my prompt, not next to it. Then, when I press "esc", a ":" character overwrites the first character of my current prompt, then my cursor moves down a line my prompt is re-printed (without any mode character). If I have text on the current line and change modes, my cursor is still in the same horizontal position, but moved down vertically.
I am running "Build 2.9.20150224-nightly" on Mac OS X 10.9.5. My Bash version is "4.3.33(1)-release", and my Readline version is "stable 6.3.8 (bottled)", both installed via HomeBrew.