Chinese character will have display conflict when using with ascii English character.
By zengjuc... on April 20, 2015 03:29 (imported from Google Code)
What steps will reproduce the problem?
- Open vim
- Enter insert mode, type in '汉字 for my darling', exit insert mode.
- Move cursor through the text using
What is the expected output?
'汉字 for my darling' should be displayed invariantly when moving the cursor
What do you see instead?
I saw things like '汉字ffor my darling' when moving from head to the end,
and '汉字 formmy darling' when move back from end to head correspondently.
What version of iTerm2 are you using?
What OS version are you using?
OSX 10.10
Please provide any additional information below.
I got a screen recording video to prove it from quicktime.
[iterm nightly Chinese utf-8 conflict with ascii.log]( nightly Chinese utf-8 conflict with ascii.log)