Feature Request: Sixel & ReGis support
Hi, old Dec terminals supported graphic extensions (Sixel/ReGis) that allowed inserting graphics into the terminal.
- Examples of the Sixel capability can be found in https://github.com/saitoha/libsixel (I believe the author is also a contributor to this project).
- Some examples of Regis can be found in HTerm: http://41j.com/hterm/
It would be really cool, and with the advent of remote hosts and cloud computing, it could turn out very useful. While X11 can usually be trusted to display remotely, it's not always available on the remote host (or local display) and it requires some configurations not all of which are possible in all configurations. In addition displaying the graphics inline with the text has advantages of timeline continuity, and keyboard control.
Examples of productive usage:
Displaying graphic / video files while ssh-ing to a remote file server.
Generating flow/xref/UML reference graphs using graphviz / dot and displaying them inline. As an example here is a presentation by a guy about graphics integration in the terminal for coding https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/a-whole-new-world (Spoiler: He was not quite aware graphics was integrated in several terminals in the past)
Using octave and displaying the graphs inline with the text (gnuplot supports ReGis natively).
While it would definitely require some structuring into the code, it's already been implemented into quite a few terminals in the past, so there's quite a bit of prior art that could be used as a reference.
If you find this useful, I would be happy to contribute to the coding effort with guidance, though I haven't done much GUI programming in the past.