Display was wrong
I don't know the special condition it happens ,but it appears frequently. I can't describe it clearly ,pls see following pics .
Case one:
I type two same command in spite panes at the same time,the right pane display was different from the left(right one),the .sock
should display in the end ,but it was display in font of the line
Case two:
I use vi
to edit a text file,then search a word,then type several n
to search next ,it display like that
There are some info
- It was not appear every time
- Only happen when i ssh the remote server,I am sure the server is ok,because mysql colleague use the same servers never meet the same situation(he use OS X 10.9 with iterm2)
- Frequently happen in long command and split panes
I was not good at English ,hope you can understand what i say
iTerm2 version :2.0
OS version:10.10.3