[Hotkey profile] Should be able to cmd+tab to the hotkey window even if it was hidden
When using the hotkey profile, it is impossible to use cmd+tab to get back to the hotkey window, if it was hidden by the hotkey.
Desired outcome
It should be possible to access the hotkey window via both the hotkey and cmd+tab.
As discussed in the google group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/iterm2-discuss/Iiv6Bzf3DHs
User note: I use a tabbed hotkey profile almost exclusively. I noticed that when there are other iTerm windows open, they will get focus if you cmd+tab back into iTerm (even if the hotkey window was the last active one before it was hidden with the hotkey).
So I guess the solution should be around "what was the last active window instance of iTerm" before losing focus.