It doesn't ship with the iTerm2 binary. Shell integration scripts are served up at install time, so if you reinstall shell integration you'll get the latest code.
This issue is back :(
This function breaks PS1, commenting out its content fixes things.
# Mark start of prompt iterm2_prompt_start(){printf"\033]133;A\007"}
Unfortunately, I couldn't find shell integration scripts repo, so I couldn't find eb8275c7aff8e5406362938db023ffaba7ce346f diff and fix this right away on my local machine. Could you please share repo link and fix this again?
It's all the same.
But since I updated this issue I've downloaded latest integration script and everything returned back to normal. I can't exmplain this yet :( I had script content copy-pasted into my .zshrc on thousands remote servers and on all of them issue was present.