Setting window title in 10.10 breaks `ls` on FAT32 mount points?
I and a couple other users are seeing some weird behavior with respect to setting the window title and subsequent ls
commands. On OS X 10.10 Mavericks, if you are in a directory which is the mount point for a FAT32 filesystem, and you set the window title using the \e]2;title\a
escape sequence, an immediate ls
command will produce incorrect output or error out.
iTerm2 Version 2.1.1. Also tested on iTerm 2.0 and iTerm 2.9.20150626 beta; they show the same behavior. OS X 10.10.4. Have also seen it reported on OS X 10.10.2.
I found this from a report by an Oh My Zsh user:
Do you know what could be causing this? I am rather baffled.
To reproduce:
- Using Disk Utility, create a DMG disk image of 100 MB that contains a FAT32 filesystem called "DISK IMAGE". (The name isn't important.)
- Double-click the .dmg file to mount it.
- Open a new iTerm2 window that is running
cd /Volumes/DISK\ IMAGE
printf "\e]2;foobar\a"
orls -l
The first ls
command will produce incorrect output, either listing "." for plain ls
, or ls: .: Invalid argument
for ls -l
taran-yos:~ janke$ cd /Volumes/DISK\ IMAGE/
taran-yos:DISK IMAGE janke$ ls
bar foo subdir
taran-yos:DISK IMAGE janke$ printf "\e]2;foobar\a"
taran-yos:DISK IMAGE janke$ ls
taran-yos:DISK IMAGE janke$ ls
bar foo subdir
taran-yos:DISK IMAGE janke$ printf "\e]2;foobar\a"
taran-yos:DISK IMAGE janke$ ls -l
ls: .: Invalid argument
taran-yos:DISK IMAGE janke$ ls -l
total 4
-rwxrwxrwx 1 janke staff 0 Jul 17 03:24 bar
-rwxrwxrwx 1 janke staff 0 Jul 17 03:24 foo
drwxrwxrwx 1 janke staff 2048 Jul 17 03:29 subdir
taran-yos:DISK IMAGE janke$
Doesn't happen on OS X 10.9.
This seems to be specific to iTerm2. I've tried, xterm, and urxvt on OS X, and they don't show this breakage. Also tried xterm, urxvt, Konsole, and GNOME Terminal on Debian 7. None of them showed the weird behavior either.
The find
and du
commands will break similarly to ls
Only seems to happen with FAT32 ("MS-DOS (FAT)") filesystems. Doesn't happen with HFS+ or exFAT filesystems.