Random white blocks
By gnach... on September 02, 2010 06:39 (imported from Google Code)
Sometimes there are random white blocks when you start a new terminal. The cursor shows up in them but text does not.
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By gnach... on September 02, 2010 06:39 (imported from Google Code)
Sometimes there are random white blocks when you start a new terminal. The cursor shows up in them but text does not.
Comment 1 by gnach... on September 03, 2010 06:04
(No comment has been entered for this change)
Labels: Priority: Medium, Priority: High
Comment 2 by gnach... on September 05, 2010 19:52
There was a bug in resizeWidth that could cause this, but I haven't seen it happen since that was fixed. If anyone sees this after alpha 8 comes out please reopen the bug.
Status: CannotReproduce