The new Color Picker is not as functional as the native Mac color pickers
The new color picker looks nice but it is not as functional as the native Mac color pickers.
The values have to be entered with the keyboard: no slider to dynamically try a range of colors.
What if you want just to edit the brightness or the saturation of a color? The current color picker have a slider for the hue, but it has a rectangular field with mixed brightness and saturation, which makes it virtual impossible to selectively edit one of them (e.g. like having a dedicated slider as in the native color pickers).
Unless I am missing something, once you edit a color, you cannot cancel or undo the change, so if you have accidentally edited the color and you don't remember the old one you will never have it back.
Conclusion: Couldn't we have back (or in addition) the native color pickers? Thanks!