I tried out the iTerm2 beta for the first time yesterday. This clobbered my known_hosts file.
I tried the download functionality; at this point iTerm2 asked me to verify the host key for the host ("First time connecting to..."), which I thought was curious since that host was already in my ~/.ssh/known_hosts file. I accepted the host key.
After this, many keys are gone from known_hosts. It seems completely random.
I can reproduce this consistently.
2.9.20160206 on OS X 10.11.3.
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I just tried reproducing on my machine and the file didn't get clobbered, so there's some difference between our systems.
One thing that comes to mind is permissions issues, although that's kind of a stretch. Do you have these permissions on your known_hosts file when you do ls -l:
However, I don’t think the permissions are the issue — after all, it’s able to both read and write the file.
I have some hosts in my file that are hashed (HashKnownHosts=yes in SSH config), but I disabled that after realizing it makes the file unreadable. I also have a lot of “ssh-rsa” hosts. Newer hosts are ecdsa-sha2-nistp256.
I can reproduce this again and send you a sample of deleted/preserved entries privately if you give me your email address.
What does iTerm use to read and write the host file? It sounds to me like you’re reading it and discarding lines you don’t recognize before saving. That’s dangerous if your parsing code isn’t 100%, and can lead to data loss if OpenSSH ever extends the format with syntax that your tool doesn’t recognize. It’s better to read the file as lines, append what you need, and then resave it.
Either there's a bug in libssh2 or in our usage of it.
If you don't mind sending me a copy of your known_hosts file before we clobber it, that would be very helpful. Feel free to remove entries, as long as it's in a state where using it would cause a clobber. You can mail it to gnachman at gmail dot com. Please put "issue 4250" in the subject line.
Can you confirm that it leaves behind the lines it recognizes and clobbers exactly the ones it does not? I'll file a bug with libssh2 and work around it temporarily if that's the problem.
Thanks. I'll file a bug with the libssh2 folks. It's hard to imagine what a good workaround would look like, though. Best I can come up with is to have my own known_hosts file, which is a little hinky security-wise since a user might not know to remove entries from it.
I'm flabbergasted that libssh2 is so far behind, actually. Looks like libssh implements the host keys correctly, but you're still always going to be a position where you can be out of sync with OpenSSH (which, if you look at the output of ssh -Q key, supports even more host key types than either libssh or libssh2 support).
I'm also flabbergasted that libssh2 will destroy lines it doesn't recognize. That's bad design.
Honestly, if I were you, I'd write the host file modification from scratch. Write some code that parses the file and can append new entries, but never rewrite any lines you don't know how to deal with. I don't know if there's an OpenSSH tool you can spawn to do the work; ssh-keygen does a lot of things, but it doesn't look like it can add new entries. ssh-keyscan can, but I don't know if it's appropriate. ssh-keygen can, however, search for the presence of entries, with the -F flag. (But if you spawn OpenSSH commands, you'll have to deal with different versions of it, so it's not super trivial.)
Yeah, destroying lines is really nuts. I think I could use libssh2 to write the line out to a temp file and append it to known_hosts, ensuring it is preceded by the start of the file or a newline. The less code I write here, the better.