Can't drop photos from Adobe Lightroom in new beta
I'm able to drag and drop photos from Adobe Lightroom CC into iTerm 2 (Build 2.1.4), but not in the new beta (Build 2.9.20160206). Dragging and dropping files from the Finder, from the title bar of applications (the document icon), all works fine. I assume Lightroom uses another method for communicating what's in the dragged contents, and iTerm no longer accepts it.
When I drag onto the old iTerm from Lightroom I see a drop indicator (a green circle with a +), and when I drop the paths to the photos appear. When I drag onto the new iTerm I see no indicator, and when I drop the photos I see an animation of the photos sliding out of the iTerm window and no paths appear. When I drag other files, from the Finder for example, onto the new iTerm I also do not see any indicator, but when I drop the paths appear.
I have recorded my screen when I attempt to drag and drop between Lightroom and the old and new iTerm, I hope this makes things more clear: itermdropbug.m4v
Required information for bugs. I probably can't help you unless you include this:
- iTerm2 version: Build 2.9.20160206
- OS version: 10.11.4 Beta (15E33e)
- Attach com.googlecode.iterm2.plist here com.googlecode.iterm2.plist
- Attach a debug log ( debuglog.txt