tmux -CC : first window theme different from the subsequent ones
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Working on MBP under El Capitan (10.11.4), with iTerm2 Build 2.9.20160426 and tmux 2.1.
I'm trying to use tmux -CC but get the following strange behaviour (see attached screenshot) :
1 - when doing tmux -CC new-session, the window (tab really, but I've then exploded those into windows for the screeshot) that appears is white (while my theme is a dark one). Note that this one is numbered 3 in the screenshot (no idea why ?)
2 - the next windows (or tabs) (numbered 1 and 4) appear to have the correct theme but littered with a bunch of "tmux;tmux;..." (29 to be precise).
Concerning the point 2 I guess this is related to the theming script I use ( which indeeds sends "strange" things in the tmux case (that's something to be sorted out for sure). But what I don't get is why the first window is different ?