[Request] Option to always open profile in hotkey window
Version: iTerm2 2.9.20160426
OS: Max OS X
I have the following settings:
- Quit when all windows are closed: Yes
- Show/hide iTerm with a system-wid hotkey: Yes
- Hotkey toggles a dedicated window with profile: "Terminal"
- Hotkey window hides when focus is lost: Yes
- Style ("Terminal"): Fullscreen
- Hide iTerm from the dock and the ⌘-Tab app switcher: Yes
- Open files in new windows, not new tabs: No
Now ...
- ... when I open a new Terminal tab by pressing the hotkey, it opens up in the hotkey window.
- ... when I click on some ssh-link or open a terminal script in Finder while there is some tab open in the hotkey window, that link/script opens up in the hotkey window, too, but without the hotkey window showing.
- ... when I click on some ssh-link or open a terminal script in Finder while there is no tab open in the hotkey window, a new window is opened. So, after switching to some other app and then pressing the hotkey to switch back to the iTerm window I end up with 2 windows, only one being easily accessible via the hotkey.
What I'd like to have: either:
- all new tabs automatically opening in the hotkey window, when above settings are in place, regardless whether there already is a tab in the hotkey window or not.
or (even better and more flexible):
- some new dropdown "Always/Never/ open in the hotkey window" in the Profile settings dialog.
... and either way:
- the hotkey window automatically showing up, when there is a new tab (with a profile that has not "Hide after opening" set to Yes) created in it.