not receiving "OK to paste %d lines at shell prompt?" warning
OSX: 10.11.5 iTerm2: 2.1.4 iterm2.plist
I am not receiving this warning when pasting text/commands that contain new lines. For example, pasting the text from the clickjacking demo linked in this repository should warn me about pasting a command with newline(s), but instead it just executes:
$ echo "evil"
I've looked through the preference and don't see anywhere to enable the warning and fall into lines 493-509 in iTermPasteHelper.m. I'm not familiar with objective-c, but a quick glance at the code is leading me to believe that there is some Advanced setting "suppressMultilinePasteWarningWhenPastingOneLineWithTerminalNewline" that controls this behavior. The only "Advanced" settings menu I see under iTerm>>Preferences is under the "Profiles" heading, and there are only three settings there for "Triggers", "Smart Selection", and "Semantic History".
Am I missing something, or was this warning/setting removed, or is this a bug?