I'm unclear exactly how to reproduce this. My setup is a single window with several tabs. Sometimes, a tab will move out of order in the list. When I Command-Shift-] or Command-Shift-[ to where the tab should be, it goes to the tab, but its position in the tab bar is in the wrong spot. The tabs also seem to keep their original Command-number shortcuts. I can drag the tab back to where it is supposed to be.
I am using Build 3.0.20160729-nightly
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There's an OS bug where dragging tabs in a fullscreen window can cause them to end up out of order (the OS never informs us when the drag ends). This only occurs when the tab bar is where the menu bar would usually be. Is it possible that you're hitting this issue?
Strange. Do keep an eye out and see if you can find reproduction steps. Also check for exceptions in /var/log/system.log as soon as you notice the issue, as that could cause the internal state of the tab bar to get broken.
No I don't. My tab life is pretty boring. I have one window with several tabs. I create new tabs until I have "enough", then I rarely create a new tab again. I then just switch between them with command-shift-[ and command-shift-] (actually three finger swipes via BetterTouchTool). My tab color is based on my current directory and I keep them somewhat organized from left to right by that, but I rarely re-order them (and I haven't done so recently).
The last thing I see is a drag-drop of a tab. I can't see tabs out of order so I'm not quite sure what caused it, but one hint is that the protocol PSMTabBarControl implements (-draggedImage:beganAt:, and friends) is deprecated. I should change it to to use NSDraggingSource and see if that helps.
OK, I just saw a very strange behavior here. I was in tab 7, and I typed a command. Then I switched to tab 8 and typed a command. I think ran (in tab 8), an open command which opened a window from another application (Skim) on top of iTerm2. Then, on top of the Skim window, appeared the tab rectangle for tab 7! It was in its correct position. I then switched back to iTerm2 and tab 7 had moved (I think to around tab 3 or 4). I switched back to Skim and the tab was gone. I wish I had grabbed a screenshot of it.
Unfortunately, these steps don't reproduce the problem, so there must be more going on.
I've removed the use of deprecated delegate calls and added some logging. Please try tomorrow's nightly build or the next 3.1 beta when it comes out. I've also improved debug logging to include some retroactive information about tab dragging. If the issue occurs to you again (while using one of the aforementioned versions) please do this:
I haven't seen this issue in a while. I don't know if it's because my workflow has changed in some significant way since (I was previously working on a LaTeX paper, which involved a lot of tab switching, but now I'm not). I will let you know if I see it again after the latest nightly.
Some of the new logging code wasn't running. I've fixed that.
It thought you drag-dropped tabs 3 and 5 into new windows. Somehow they didn't move to new windows.
I've added some more logging code that will appear in crash reports. I'll need to search the crash logs in a few days for sanityCheck to see if anything comes up.
I also just noticed a difficult to consistently reproduce behavior that may be related. If I have one tab selected and click on another tab in a certain way, it thinks I am dragging the active tab and moves it to that location. I can't really tell what that "certain way" is. Sometimes it happens, usually it doesn't.
I don't think that is exactly what is happening here. The tabs seem to shift once I move to another application, and in the above situation I didn't click on the tab far (from what I remember). But maybe it's another symptom of the same underlying issue.
It might not have been a soon enough nightly. I just noticed the most recent commit in the update text was about this. Interestingly, when I restarted from the update, tab 7 went back to its original correct location.
The fix from #6023 (closed) has been cherry-picked to master. I think it ought to do the job but let me know if this happens in the nightly builds. It'll be in 3.1.1.