Bad performance with inline gifs
With catimg, I often get gifs. The performance tends to be quite bad, especially on first load. I've noticed that if I force click the gif it loads just fine in the preview. I wonder if something can be done to make it more performant. Sometimes a moderately large gif can slow down the entire terminal, until I Ctrl-L.
Here's a movie demonstrating this (here the 123.3 MB uncompressed original if that helps): iterm2_gif_slowness_480p This is the gif in question: It's 7.4 MB.
You can't see it in the movie, but when I force clicked on the gif, it beachballed for a second. It also did so when I tried to close the preview. When I typed at the end, it was laggy. After I typed "catimg" I typed "Ctrl-U" to clear the line. It then beachballed, which is when I shook the mouse (it eventually cleared, as you can see). If you leave it running for long enough it runs fine (although still with some horizontal lines that break the frames).
I seem to remember gifs working much better back when I first wrote catimg.
This was with Build 3.0.20161002-nightly