Number text boxes in the Preferences can not be edited while system preferred language is Persian
Thanks for filing an issue! Please answer the questions below so I can help you.
- iTerm2 version: 3.0.20161002-nightly
- OS version: 10.11.6
- Attach ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist here (drag-drop from finder into this window)com.googlecode.iterm2.plist
- Attach a debug log, if possible. Instructions at
- Are you reporting a performance issue or a hang? Please attach a sample. Instructions at
- Are you reporting a crash? Please attach the crash log. Instructions at
Detailed steps to reproduce the problem:
- Set "Persian" language as the top of the "Preferred languages" list in "Language and Region" section of "System Preferences": "0-Language-Persian.jpeg"
- Open Preferences of iTerm.
- Change a numerical text field: "1-Change-Persian.jpeg"
Screenshots are attached to this issue:
What happened: Just last typed digit is shown while typing. After leaving focus the value edited text box becomes 0: "2-Result-Persian.jpeg"
What should have happened: Numerical text boxes should allow number inputs in Persian language: "5-Result-English.jpeg"