Keep an MRU list of tabs
Thanks for filing an issue! Please answer the questions below so I can help you.
- iTerm2 version:3.0.11
- OS version:10.11.6
- Attach ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist here (drag-drop from finder into this window)
- Attach a debug log, if possible. Instructions at
- Are you reporting a performance issue or a hang? Please attach a sample. Instructions at
- Are you reporting a crash? Please attach the crash log. Instructions at
Detailed steps to reproduce the problem: 1.Create a bunch of tabs 2.Hop around between them 3.Close one of the middle ones and see that the one to its left becomes active.
What happened:When I close an iTerm2 tab focus automatically goes to the tab to its left.
What should have happened:I'd prefer it to go to the most recently used tab.