iTerm2 should allow merging of open windows
Thanks for filing an issue! Please answer the questions below so I can help you.
- iTerm2 version: Build 3.0.12
- OS version: macOS Sierra, version 10.12.1
- Attach ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist here (drag-drop from finder into this window)
Since this is mostly a feature-request rather than a bug report, I removed the bottom entries from this list.
The original macOS terminal emulator allows merging of open windows, which particularly is useful when having open a lot of terminal windows. By assigning a keyboard shortcut to that menu entry, I'm able to gather all my open terminal windows and combine them into one, at any time. I would love to see this feature in iTerm2, too. Any chances it will be integrated?
Thanks in advance,