Render the selected match from search more vividly
Thanks for filing an issue! Please answer the questions below so I can help you.
- iTerm2 version: 3.0.13
- OS version: 10.12.3
- Attach ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist here (drag-drop from finder into this window) com.googlecode.iterm2.plist
Detailed steps to reproduce the problem:
- Open a terminal window and generate some text. Could simply be by typing. Make sure to type a number that is at least 3 digits long (e.g. "12345").
- Press command-f and type a numbers-only string that should find a match (e.g. "12345")
What happened: The matching string is found, but it is highlighted using the "selected text" styling.
What should have happened: It should have been highlighted in bright yellow. If you search for fewer than 3 numbers (e.g. "12"), or a string with letters, you get the right result.