Feature suggestion: Paste from Selection or Clipboard if nothing selected
Thanks for filing an issue! Please answer the questions below so I can help you.
- iTerm2 version: 3.0.15
- OS version: 10.12.6
I am used to using the Middle Click to paste on my Linux boxes. iterm2 allows me to mimic that to some extent if I turn on "Copy to pasteboard on selection" and use "Paste from Clipboard" to paste. However, I don't want every selection attempt to end up on the clipboard (I use a third-party Clipboard history manager). The feature I imagine would do the following on activation:
- If there is a selection in the terminal, paste that in.
- If there is no selection paste in the contents of the clipboard.
With this feature, if I need to send something to another application, I can still do that by hitting cmd-c, I don't pollute my clipboard history, and paste still works the way I would expect.