iTerm2 sometimes compacts Japanese modifiers whereas they should not be
- iTerm2 version: 3.1.beta.7 and 3.0.14 (can not reproduce on iTerm2 2.1.4)
- OS version: macOS Sierra 10.12.6
- com.googlecode.iterm2.plist
- Attach a debug log, if possible. (Not necessary?)
- Are you reporting a performance issue or a hang? No.
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Detailed steps to reproduce the problem:
- Download test.txt
- Go to iTerm and run
cat text.txt
What happened:
The ゛ and ゜ characters are compacted into the previous character.
What should have happened:
The ゛ and ゜ characters should take an extra character width, as they do in iTerm2 2.1.4, macOS Terminal, or any text editor, as well as in the browser:
トウキヨウガス (カ
Code markup will not apparently not output monospaced characters with Japanese (the browser's font might not support them), but it is kinda clear that here too the modifiers have their own space width.
Alternative test
I also used the Ruby gem unicode-display_width to confirm the strings' display width.
Where does it cause problems?
I'm trying to display tabular data in console, and to achieve that, I calculate the strings' Unicode display width using the Ruby gem I mentioned above. Unfortunately, because iTerm does not follow the correct convention to output those characters in fixed-width, I end up with mis-alignments in my tabular data.