By clint.hep... on April 22, 2011 12:55 (imported from Google Code)
What steps will reproduce the problem?
In tmux, set mouse-select-pane on
Clicking in a pane sometimes types spurious characters.
Turning mouse-select-pane off seems to stop the behavior.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The output is random, although usually consistent over short periods of time. For
example, several clicks may produce "TT" in a row. I think I've also seen " #" and "^F^F".
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
0.20.20110413 on Mac OS X 10.5.8.
Please provide any additional information below.
This behavior seemed to start after upgrading to 0.20.20110413.
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I can't reproduce this on my system. Please post your ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist file, any tmux config file you're using, and a debug log as described here:
Although mouse-select-pane is commented out in the attached tmux.conf, I had it turned on manually for the attached debuglog. It seems that to trigger the bug, I need the following conditions:
Two iterm2 windows, each running tmux.
Moving the cursor from window 1 to window 2
Clicking in window 2
It seems that output appearing in window 1 is correlated to the bug, but I could not confirm. (I had trouble producing the bug if there was no activity in either window).
Comment 4 by on January 05, 2013 23:03
I've also started experiencing this issue. Similar symptoms, occurs even when re-focussing the window. sends a bunch of control characters seemingly randomly and only restarting iterm will fix it.
Comment 5 by on January 11, 2013 14:05
I can confirm that this also happens for me. I am using gnome-terminal an xmonad and it seems to happen mostly when shifting focus away from my gnome-terminal window then clicking into a pane.
That's good information. It means that the mouse reporting protocol in use is probably the old "xterm" protocol. This doesn't happen for me, though. Do you have an old version of tmux maybe?
Comment 11 by jdelStrot... on April 10, 2014 12:30
Hi - I just had this happened me again, although turning mouse-select-pane off had no effect - the random characters continued to be printed when I clicked or scrolled.
I think I have a way to reproduce this, or at least a similar issue. Run tmux locally, ssh into a remote tmux session,
then unplug your network and wait for ssh to time out (Write failed: Broken pipe). Once that's occurred, my local tmux window demonstrates the mouse-click/random character bug. Does that sound plausible to anyone else experiencing it?
@jdel, that makes sense. The remote tmux turned on mouse reporting and never turned it off. Then mouse movements/clicks get reported locally to a tmux that isn't expecting it and doesn't handle it. Unfortunately this is a design flaw in mouse reporting, and no app is really able to prevent it from happening. You can turn off mouse reporting with Cmd-R.
Comment 13 by matthew.orior... on August 23, 2014 13:41
I have this same issue unfortunately, it is caused by a remote SSH session using tmux exiting without letting tmux turn mouse reporting off again. I could easily create a trap in bash to catch the exit and turn off mouse reporting, but I have no idea how to tell iTerm2 to turn off mouse reporting for the current session. Is it possible with a simple echo command of some sort?
Comment 15 by marioe... on September 08, 2014 03:38
Same here. I had the following in ~/.tmux.conf
set -g focus-events on
Steps to reproduce (running on OS X 10.9.4)
launch iTerm2 (not tested against any nightly version, using build 2.0)
mvim -v (or) vi (do not specify a file)
click on the desktop, afterwards click on the iTerm window
mvim/vi reports E349: No identifier under cursor
The problem goes away after setting focus-events to off and restarting iTerm2. Enabling mouse-select-pane is working for me and not having any random characters.
Comment 17 by on October 24, 2014 04:39
I also experience this issue from time to time.
Mac OS X 10.9.4
iTerm2 2.0
vim 7.2
I'm using standard vim within the terminal within an ssh session. Not sure how to reproduce exactly, but just found (based on the comment above), that if I go back into vim and exit, the terminal is fixed. I can then click my mouse without random control characters being spit out.
Comment 19 by on April 20, 2015 23:15
I have seen the same issue in the latest iterm2. Even after closing all the tabs with tmux, clicking anywhere in a window would type several characters. Restarting iterm fixed the issue for now.
@gnachman Just for info, I get the same thing and I can confirm that Cmd-R resets the problem. So it does look like mouse reporting is the problem. It only happens when I let my remote tmux session die by closing the lid on the Macbook.