Next Beta
Bugs to be fixed before the next beta release.
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Maximize Active Pane not remembering action on tmux attached windows
- .iterm2_shell_integration.bash should use `builtin history`, not `history`
- Reattach to a tmux ssh session damages umlaut input
- Tabs being inadvertently dragged
- iTerm2 3.1.beta6 feels jumpy vs 3.0.15 (with comparison video)
- ([node isVertical] != [parentSplit isVertical]
- Visor issue on multiple desktops (spaces)
- moving pane divider in tmux integration causes other window to scroll
- [Feature] Touch Bar support
- Tabs moving out of order randomly
- cannot 💩
- Render emoji as double width
- tmux split panes jitter movement
- Resize "Flicker" on sleep and monitor change and tmux
- iTerm2 clobbers ~/.ssh/known_hosts!
- SSH config file
- iTerm2 Shell Integration breaks sftp, for fish-shell at least
- tmux window does not receive output from coprocess