Review for next version
Issues that will be reviewed for inclusion in the next version.
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
- Open password manager trigger for string "Password:"
- autocomplete/command history behavior on command line is overaggressive and buggy w/regard to arrow keys
- Feature request: Safari-like tabs preview mode
- Feature request: open quickly (Cmd_Shift_O) to show a few last searches in some history list
- Feature Request: Save All Text (instead of Select All + Save Selected Text)
- Add a way to launch iTerm2 from python
- Feature request: Hyper-like status bar
- Feature request: Possible to keep iTerm hotkey window when alert opens
- Feature request: support for variables in Tab titles (badges-like)
- Tab white line problem
- Inline images are always non-retina displayed.
- iTerm 3 Feature Request - Toggle Tabs Theme Programmatically?
- Feature suggestion: Paste from Selection or Clipboard if nothing selected
- Different stripe color for broadcast mode
- CLI Automation with JXA (JavaScript)
- Characters are not appearing while typing
- Tmux session lost after macOS restart
- Allow triggers to reference session state with `\(variable)` syntax.
- add flare option for raising bugs
- Shell integration turns off after first command when installed with another PS1-affecting PROMPT_COMMAND
- Trying to highlight text sometimes highlights too much when terminal is very active
- Feature Request: New Tab/Window with current profile
- iTerm stable build prompts me to "update" to a beta build
- Add Script extension .applescript to Scripts menu
- iterm2 Latency
- Large inline gifs being truncated
- iTerm2 not reaping child processes when killed by init
- Alphanum keys stop working after a short while
- Remove Growl support
- When resizing font with Cmd-+/-, allow option for all tabs (present and future)
- [Feature request] touch bar breadcrumbs
- Using AppleScript with tmux to create new windows/tabs with sessions that are known to tmux
- Add descriptions to key mapings
- [Feature request] Make background image content mode configurable
- Hotkey window now centered instead of top left corner
- Shell Integration: "hostname: Unknown host"
- ⌘L to clear the last command
- Do not pass PATH to login
- Support different function key modes
- advanced setting: configurable step for keyboard controlled pane resizing
- tmux command drawer
- Feature request: create/resize pane by percentage
- tmux integration: support marked panes
- window arrangement should restore windows to the proper desktops
- Respsect tmux's synchronize-panes option in integration mode
- iTerm seems to be unable to take dictation inputs.
- RFE: Triggers - Would be a huge boon if they could be enabled/disabled with a toggle
- Feature request: Send commands like cmd+k to all windows/panes when in broadcast mode
- "Clear Buffer" should flush all relevant panes when broadcast mode is enabled
- Password visibility
- Offer "Advanced Paste" in any paste confirmation dialog
- Black bars appear in tmux sessions
- Tab and window title not updated after logging out of SSH remote session
- Scrolling lag with pwndbg / general scroll performance poor
- Feature request: In tmux integration mode, show tmux session name in title bar
- Middle-click copy and pasting does not work when screen is cleared
- [Feature request] OSC 4, 10/11/12/17 support
- Use Sparkle delta updates for nightly builds
- Feature Request: Regular Expressions for searching profiles
- Corrupted Text - Caused by: Full-screen mode, Vim, and Multiple Tabs
- [Feature] Ability to set labels for Touch Bar items other than Fn keys
- SSH URL handler not populating server name
- Update sparkle to integrate PR that disables the key equivalent for the install button on scheduled updates.
- Render the selected match from search more vividly
- White gaps on new tabs after splitting tabs using tmux integration
- Create a new mode for manipulating the selection
- [feature] Singular titlebar like in hyper terminal
- Change text from: "Split Pane*" to "Split Up / Down / Left / Right"
- dark theme for search, bookmarks and autocompletion
- Pop-up box for choosing colors appears underneath the Preferences window
- suggestion: arbitrary commands for the touch bar
- Captured Output UI Fixes
- [Feature Request] Merge title-bar and tabs bar
- Don't resize non-selected tabs on window resize until the tab gets selected
- Snippets tool
- Support xterm's `modifyOtherKeys` option for keyboard input
- v3 is very slow and unresponsive
- iTerm2 should allow merging of open windows
- There is a way to turn off transparency for focused windows only? Is it possible to add an option to get this behaviour? Thanks
- Font and colors are rendered differently in iTerm and Terminal
- Allow setting arbitrary environment variables in profile
- [IMPROVEMENT] highlight search result on scrollbar
- tmux windows inherit the default color scheme/theme instead of the one from the host profile.
- Keep an MRU list of tabs
- Feature request: Ability to delete/clear text from the buffer
- Feature request: import and export key mappings
- Select all is slow with long history
- Support accent menu
- Feature request: tab names should be persistent if entered manually, and without any automatic additions to them
- Number text boxes in the Preferences can not be edited while system preferred language is Persian
- Feature request - environment variable modification/setting on switching profiles
- When a local directory is available use a represented file in the window title
- Bad performance with inline gifs
- Feature Request - warn about or remove smart quotes
- Offer a modifier advanced paste dialog when confirming a paste, and offer it in more cases, such as when smart quotes are present.
- Window title not retained when switching tabs
- [Question] How to dynamically change iterm2 settings or .plist file?
- Allow un-suppressing short-lived session warning for each profile
- Ditch Apple's mediocre state restoration and do it myself
- Strikethrough text not supported
- ignored key shortcuts are not ignored on settings window
- Proper bell support in triggers
- Attaching to full-screen session from another monitor produces weird results
- CJK Compatibility Ideographs get automatically converted into the non-compatibility counterparts
- broken pipe message is printed internally and can't be caught by a trigger
- Feature Request: Password Manager option to allow broadcasting passwords when Broadcast Input to multiple sessions is active
- ER: iTerm should support 'Use Style for Copy Command' for a different profile than the currently active profile
- Color picker in fullscreen not accessible
- Auto command completion popup prevents moving cursor
- URLs not clickable when preceded by line number or filename (results from grep, ag, ack, etc.)
- xterm reportedly preserves selection on keydown, moves it when scroll region scrolls; copy this feature after reproducing it.
- Bracketed paste's escape codes break with tmux
- Slow edit of command in profile preferences
- Add a toolbelt tool with actions
- window title doesn't appear correctly
- Right clicking on empty space in Tab bar should bring up "New Tab Menu"
- Support for background colour querying (xterm control sequence)
- FEATURE REQUEST - Maintain tab color after detach & re-attach in tmux (also, maintain order of tabs?)
- zsh/zpty process makes iTerm2 ask for confimation when closing a tab
- Security of Shell Integration and a Privacy Policy
- Select text without mouse using a keyboard-moveable cursor
- Store paste history in keychain
- Markers and erased text
- Streamline fish shell integration
- New tabs in hotkey window get default (not hotkey window) profile
- Ambiguous UI: "Discard Local Changes" when clicking "Save Current Settings to Folder"
- Tab bar doesn't appear when pressing Command in full screen
- right-click on file to download via SCP, doesn't use the ssh config's aliases
- Growl / Notification Center alerts and Dock icon badge
- cursor with transparency.
- Dictation doesn't add a space when you pause; should lowercase everything, maybe
- Hard to dismiss the command completion menu
- Pasting with "Convert tabs to spaces" does not respect tabstops
- Double-width characters do not display properly in iTerm 3
- Improve performance under memory pressure [was: All open terminals slow down if another visible window is outputting lots of output.]
- Trigger on changes to variables
- Add ability to search settings
- Updater doesn't restore session
- Add support for ssh_config ProxyCommand to enable multiple hops in the SCP
- Enhancement: [Toolbelt Jobs] Show more info about a process
- Enhancement: Add font and other profile information to AppleScript output
- Enhancement: Add a save terminal/window/tab output
- Add keybinding action to send password
- Make it possible to rename saved arrangements from prefs panel
- Pass context information to coprocesses
- Idea: Selecting any word on terminal and right-clicking should offer OSX Terminal options
- tmux -CC : first window theme different from the subsequent ones
- Feature request: Escape code for "Tile image"
- Feature Request: Display Count of Matches in Find
- Make processes toolbelt better
- Support the hidden/conceal ansi escape
- Improve handling of unexpected output in tmux integration [was: tmux integration does not properly handle write/wall/mesg commands]
- Make it possible to share smart selection rules
- BUG shell-integration
- Hope there can be a "natural selection" feature
- Allow hover responses as a trigger action (Feature request)
- Save & Restore color map with session state so customized palettes are properly preserved on restart.
- Feature Request: Image rendering, pixel image offsets
- Color adjustment option like
- Clear buffer only retains last line of command
- Command history truncates multiline commands
- Feature Request: Command click file path to open in $EDITOR
- Feature request: Change profile based on currently running process
- Wrong character spacing for different widths of Input Mono font
- dot file for fish shell integration does not follow XDG path convention
- Pass variables to triggers
- [feature request] Trigger action that allows setting of a user variable
- Use shell integration to populate job name in tab/window title
- Style the Toolbelt
- Use KERN_PROCARGS2 for process name in tab title
- Move primary buffer into scrollback when entering alternate screen mode
- Improve hostname detectiong for SCP and Automatic Profile Switching [was: Shell Integration determined hostnames on Debian and Ubuntu Linux hosts not working with mDNS]
- Get rid of sessionsInstance altogether and make PTYSession hold the only reference to the divorced profile
- iTerm2 hangs for minutes while resizing the window.
- Bind control arrow keys like xterm
- Suppress multiline paste warning in bracketed paste mode
- Feature request: Exportable/publishable and importable/subscribable/mergable trigger lists
- Feature Request: Auto-generate bug report data
- feature request: option to send libtermkey CSI sequences
- always unwrap wrapped text when newline occurs at the edge
- Mark added to first line of multiline prompt.
- Feature Request: Applescript to set badge name
- Request: Make alt-arrow escape sequences default on OS X version of iTerm 2
- Home and End keys do not work in Tmux integration mode w/ screen-256color
- When echo is off an icanon is on, indicate a password entry prompt
- Add pref to customize "padding" between edge of iTerm window and start of text
- iTerm2 Shell Integrations don't play well with show-mode-prompt in Bash
- Investigate SIXEL support
- Keep aspect ratio of background image.
- Man page in help
- Shortcut to change profile of existing window
- blocking search for large scrollback
- Add tmux-like status line
- Provide a keys preset to make Iterm2 work like a regular OS X app
- Add a menu option to turn off mouse mode
- Add Chrome's Pin Tab Feature
- Automatically ssh into previous session's directory upon opening new tab
- Set window/tab/pane title separately
- Support esc]12;colorname to set cursor color
- Hotkey Window new tabs should also use Hotkey Window profile.
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Run profile commands through the shell instead of execing them directly
- after update tmux integration on ssh hosts with tmux 1.8 always starts new tabs in /
- Ugly white line underneath the title bar in dark mode
- Support copying images
- Window dimensions wrong when exiting non-native fullscreen
- Improve the appearence of the colored background tabs
- Can't move iTerm hotkey window from one monitor to another
- iTerm tabs vs. accessibility (and our app, Witch)
- iTerm tab drag to create new window is still "attached" to a tab selection click event
- Please Support Finder Service
- Feature Request: Escape code for HTML-like anchor tags.
- On restart from update, hotkey window tabs are restored in new not-hotkey window
- cmd+number not working
- imgcat doesn't work in a tmux session
- iterm2 gets multi-key sequences wrong when user has custom cocoa keybindings
- Tmux integration and new tab's working directory
- Feature request: persist local tab color with tmux integration
- Short pager output sticks to prompt rather than top of terminal
- "Clear Buffer" (Command + K) improvement