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Commit 1e307fd9 authored by GitLab Release Tools Bot's avatar GitLab Release Tools Bot
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Update for 12.9.0

[ci skip]
parent 4c1db640
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
with 452 additions and 95 deletions
@@ -2,6 +2,458 @@
documentation](doc/development/ for instructions on adding your own
## 12.9.0 (2020-03-22)
### Security (1 change)
- Update Puma to 4.3.3. !27232
### Removed (3 changes)
- Remove staging from commit workflow in the Web IDE. !26151
- Remove and deprecate snippet content search. !26359
- Remove "Analytics" suffix from the sidebar menu items. !26415
### Fixed (117 changes, 19 of them are from the community)
- Set all NULL `lock_version` values to 0 for issuables. !18418
- Support finding namespace by ID or path on fork API. !20603 (leoleoasd)
- Fixes caret position after pasting an image 15011. !21382 (Carolina Carvalhosa)
- Use of sha instead of ref when creating a new ref on deployment creation. !23170
- Fix logic to determine project export state and add regeneration_in_progress state. !23664
- Create child pipelines dynamically using content from artifact as CI configuration. !23790
- Handle Gitaly failure when fetching license. !24310
- Fix error details layout and alignment for mobile view. !24390
- Added the multiSelect option to stop event propagation when clicking on the dropdown. !24611 (Gwen_)
- Activate Prometheus integration service for newly created project if this project has access to shared Prometheus application. !24676
- Fix Jump to next unresolved thread. !24728
- Require a logged in user to accept or decline a term. !24771
- Fix quick actions executing in multiline inline code when placed on its own line. !24933 (Pavlo Dudchenko)
- Fix timezones for popovers. !24942
- Prevent "Select project to create merge request" button from overflowing out of the viewport on mobile. !25195
- Add validation for updated_at parameter in update Issue API. !25201 (Filip Stybel)
- Elasticsearch: when index is absent warn users and disable index button. !25254
- Fix pipeline details page initialisation on invalid pipeline. !25302 (Fabio Huser)
- Fix bug with sidebar not expanding at certain resolutions. !25313 (Lee Tickett)
- Rescue elasticsearch server error in pod logs. !25367
- Fix project setting approval input in non-sequential order. !25391
- Add responsivity to cluster environments table. !25501
- Board issue due dates appear grey for closed past-due issues. !25507 (rachelfox)
- Fix self monitoring project link. !25516
- Don't track MR deployment multiple times. !25537
- Fix an issue with Group Import members with Owner access level being imported with Maintainer access level. Owner access level is now preserved. !25595
- Allow 0 to be set for pages maximum size per project/group to indicate unlimited size. !25677
- Fix variable passthrough in the SAST CI/CD template when using DinD. !25697
- Drop bridge if downstream pipeline has errors. !25706
- Clean stale background migration jobs. !25707
- Inject CSP values when repository static objects external caching is enabled. !25711
- Fix bug deleting internal project snippets by project maintainer. !25792
- Fix Insights displaying JSON on back navigation. !25801
- Don't show issue as blocked on the issue board if blocking issue is closed. !25817
- Return 503 to the Runner when the object storage is unavailable. !25822
- Ensure temp export data is removed if Group/Project export failed. !25828
- Fix Kubernetes namespace resolution for new DeploymentCluster records. !25853
- Fix links to exposed artifacts in MRs from forks. !25868 (Daniel Stone)
- Keep needs association on the retried build. !25888
- Remove unreachable link from embded dashboard context menu. !25892
- Fix issue importer so it matches issue export format. !25896
- Fix snippet blob viewers for rich and plain data. !25945
- Fix White syntax highlighting theme in Monaco to closely match the Pygments theme. !25966
- Markup tips for Markdown shown while editing wiki pages in other formats. !25974
- Fix code search pagination on a custom branch. !25984
- Fix Snippet content incorrectly caching. !25985
- Fix 500 error caused by Kubernetes logs not being encoded in UTF-8. !25999
- Fix "Add an epic" form. !26003
- Ensure weight changes no longer render duplicate system notes. !26014
- Geo: Show secondary-only setting on only on secondaries. !26029
- Fixes project import failures when user is not part of any groups. !26038
- Fix ImportFailure when restore ci_pipelines:external_pull_request relation. !26041
- Code Review Analytics: Fix review time display. !26057
- Allow to fork to the same namespace and different path via API call. !26062
- Change back internal api return code. !26063
- Create approval todos on update. !26077
- Fix issues missing on epic's page after project import. !26099
- Fix scoped labels rendering in To-Do List. !26146
- Fix 500 Error when using Gitea Importer. !26166
- Fix dev vulnerabilities seeder. !26169
- Use uncached SQL queries for Geo long-running workers. !26187
- Fix infinite spinner on error detail page. !26188
- Generate proper link for Pipeline tab. !26193
- Issue Analytics: Fix svg illustration path for empty state. !26219
- Fix dashboards dropdown if custom dashboard is broken. !26228
- Refresh widget after canceling "Merge When Pipeline Succeeds". !26232
- Fix package file finder for conan packages with a conan_package_reference filter. !26240
- Fixed bug where processing NuGet packages are returned from the Packages API. !26270
- Fix bug committing snippet content when creating the snippet. !26287
- Fix error messages for dashboard clonning process. !26290
- Fix saving preferences with unrelated changes when gitaly timeouts became invalid. !26292
- Allow creating default branch in snippet repositories. !26294
- Container expiration policy settings hide form on API error. !26303
- Prevent unauthorized users to lock an issue from the collapsed sidebar. !26324 (Gilang Gumilar)
- Mark existing LFS object for upload for forks. !26344
- Fix scoped labels rendering in emails. !26347
- Fix issues with non-ASCII plain text files being incorrectly uploaded as binary in the Web IDE. !26360
- Polyfill fetch for Internet Explorer 11. !26366
- Fix avg_cycle_analytics uncaught error and optimize query. !26381
- Fix reversed pipeline order on Project Import. !26390
- Display GitLab issues created via Sentry global integration. !26418
- Fix MergeToRefService raises Gitlab::Git::CommandError. !26465
- Render special references for releases. !26554
- Show git error message updating snippet. !26570
- Support Rails 6 `insert_all!`. !26595
- Fix evidence SHA clipboard hover text. !26608 (Gilang Gumilar)
- Prevent editing weight to scroll to the top. !26613 (Gilang Gumilar)
- Fix spinner in Create MR dropdown. !26679
- Added a padding-right to items in subgroup list. !26791
- Prevent default overwrite for theme and color ID in user API. !26792 (Fabio Huser)
- Fix user registration when smartcard authentication is enabled. !26800
- Correctly send notification on pipeline retry. !26803 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Default to generating blob links for missing paths. !26817
- Fix Mermaid flowchart width. !26848 (julien MILLAU)
- Ensure valid mount point is used by attachments on notes. !26849
- Validate that users selects at least two subnets in EKS Form. !26936
- Fix embeds so that a chart appears only once. !26997
- Fix capybara screenshots path name for rails configuration. !27002
- Fix access to logs when multiple pods exist. !27008
- Fix installation of GitLab-managed crossplane chart. !27040
- Fix bug displaying snippet update error. !27082
- Fix WikiPage#title_changed for paths with spaces. !27087
- Fix backend validation of numeric emoji names. !27101
- Reorder exported relations by primary_key when using Project Export. !27117
- Ensure freshness of settings with project creation. !27156
- Fix bug setting hook env with personal snippets. !27235
- Fix Conan package download_urls and snapshot to return files based on requested conan_package_reference. !27250
- Fixes stop_review job upon expired artifacts from previous stages. !27258 (Jack Lei)
- Fix duplicate labels when moving projects within the same ancestor group. !27261
- Fix project moved message after git operation. !27341
- Fix submodule links to !27346
- Fix remove special chars from snippet url_to_repo. !27390
- Validate actor against CODEOWNERS entries.
- Fix: tableflip quick action is interpreted even if inside code block. (Pavlo Dudchenko)
- Fix an error with concat method.
- Improved selection of multiple cards. (Gwen_)
- Resolves the disappearance of a ticket when it was moved from the closed list. (Gwen_)
### Deprecated (1 change)
- Remove state column from issues and merge_requests. !25561
### Changed (81 changes, 18 of them are from the community)
- Remove kubernetes workaround in container scanning. !21188
- New styles for scoped labels. !21377
- Update labels in Vue with GlLabel component. !21465
- Update Web IDE clientside preview bundler to use GitLab managed server. !21520
- Allow default time window on grafana embeds. !21884
- Default to first valid panel in unspecified Grafana embeds. !21932
- Correctly style scoped labels in sidebar after updating. !22071
- Add id and image_v432x230 columns to design_management_designs_versions. !22860
- Decouple Webhooks from Integrations within Project > Settings. !23136
- Sort closed issues on issue boards using time of closing. !23442 (briankabiro)
- Differentiate between errors and failures in xUnit result. !23476
- Add 'shard' label for 'job_queue_duration_seconds' metric. !23536
- Migrate mentions for design notes to design_user_mentions DB table. !23704
- Migrate mentions for commit notes to commit_user_mentions DB table. !23859
- Update files when snippet is updated. !23993
- Move issues routes under /-/ scope. !24791
- Migrated the sidebar label select dropdown title component spinner to utilize GlLoadingIcon. !24914 (Raihan Kabir)
- Migrated from .fa-spinner to .spinner in 'app/assets/javascripts/notes.js. !24916 (Raihan Kabir (gitlab/rk4bir))
- Migrated from .fa-spinner to .spinner in app/assets/javascripts/create_merge_request_dropdown.js. !24917 (Raihan Kabir (gitlab/rk4bir))
- Migrated from .fa-spinner to .spinner in app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/assignees/assignee_title.vue. !24919 (rk4bir)
- Replace underscore with lodash for ./app/assets/javascripts/deploy_keys. !24965 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Replace underscore with lodash for ./app/assets/javascripts/badges. !24966 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Add commits limit text at graphs page. !24990
- Migrated from .fa-spinner to .spinner in app/assets/javascripts/blob/template_selector.js. !25045 (Raihan Kabir (gitlab/rk4bir))
- Update iOS (Swift) project template logo. !25049
- Sessionless and API endpoints bypass session for admin mode. !25056 (Diego Louzán)
- New loading spinner for attachemnt uploads via discussion boxes. !25057 (Philip Jonas)
- Hide the private commit email in Notification email list. !25099 (briankabiro)
- Replace underscore with lodash in /app/assets/javascripts/blob/. !25113 (rkpattnaik780)
- Allow access to /version API endpoint with read_user scope. !25211
- Use only the first line of the commit message on chat service notification. !25224 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Include invalid directories in wiki title message. !25376
- Replace avatar and favicon upload type consistency validation with content whitelist validation. !25401
- Showing only "Next" button for snippet explore page. !25404
- Moved Deploy Keys from Repository to CI/CD settings. !25444
- Move pod logs to core. !25455
- Improve error messages of failed migrations. !25457
- Hides the "Allowed to fail" tag on jobs that are successful. !25458
- Disable CSRF protection on logout endpoint. !25521 (Diego Louzán)
- Ensure all errors are logged in Group Import. !25619
- Tweak wiki page title handling. !25647
- Add refresh dashboard button. !25716
- Disable draggable behavior on the epic tree chevron (collapse/expand) button. !25729
- Rate limit archive endpoint by user. !25750
- Improve audit log header layout. !25821
- Migrate mentions for merge requests to DB table. !25826
- Align git returned error codes. !25936
- Split cluster info page into tabs. !25940
- Remove visibility check from epic descendant counts. !25975
- Use colon to tokenize input in filtered search. !26072
- Add link to dependency proxy docs on the dependency proxy page. !26092
- Remove Puma notices from AdminArea banner. !26137
- Add airgap support to Dependency Scanning template. !26145
- 27880 Make release notes optional and do not delete release when they are removed. !26231 (Pavlo Dudchenko)
- Limit notification-type broadcast display to web interface. !26236 (Aleksandrs Ļedovskis)
- Update renewal banner link for clearer instructions. !26240
- Special handling for the rich viewer on specific file types. !26260
- Rename pod logs to logs. !26313
- Ensure checksums match when updating repository storage. !26334
- Bump Auto Deploy image to v0.12.1. !26336
- Use cert-manager 0.10 instead of 0.9 for new chart installations. !26345
- Use y-axis format configuration in column charts. !26356
- Add Prometheus metrics for Gitaly and database time in background jobs. !26384
- Batch processing LFS objects downloads. !26434
- Add edit custom metric link to metrics dashboard. !26511
- Remove unused file_type column from packages_package_files. !26527
- Enable client-side GRPC keepalive for Gitaly. !26536
- Use ReplicateRepository when moving repo storage. !26550
- Add functionality to render individual mermaids. !26564
- Sync snippet after Git action. !26565
- In single-file editor set syntax highlighting theme according to user's preference. !26606
- Introduce a feature flag for Notifications for when pipelines are fixed. !26682 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Replace checkbox by toggle for ModSecurity on Cluster App Page. !26720
- Change capybara screenshots files names taken on tests failures. !26788
- Update cluster-applications image to v0.11 with a runner bugfix, updated cert-manager, and vault as a new app. !26842
- Store first commit's authored_date for value stream calculation on merge. !26885
- Group repository contributors by email instead of name. !26899 (Hilco van der Wilk)
- Move authorized_keys operations into their own Sidekiq queue. !26913
- Upgrade Elastic Stack helm chart to 1.9.0. !27011
- Enable customizable_cycle_analytics feature flag by default. !27418
- Deemphasized styles for inline code blocks.
### Performance (41 changes, 1 of them is from the community)
- Cache milestone issue counters and make them independent of user permissions. !21554
- Persist expanded environment name in ci build metadata. !22374
- Diffs load each view style separately, on demand. !24821
- Project repositories are no longer cloned by default when running DAST. !25320
- Enable Workhorse upload acceleration for Project Import API. !25361
- Add API pagination for deployed merge requests. !25733
- Upgrade to Bootsnap 1.4.6. !25844
- Improve performance of Repository#merged_branch_names. !26005
- Fix N+1 in Group milestone view. !26051
- Project Snippets API endpoints check feature status. !26064
- Memoize loading of CI variables. !26147
- Refactor workhorse passthrough URL checker. !26157 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Project Snippets GraphQL resolver checks feature status. !26158
- Improved MR toggle file performance by hiding instead of removing. !26181
- Use Workhorse acceleration for Project Import file upload via UI. !26278
- Improve SnippetsFinder performance with disabled project snippets. !26295
- Add trigram index on snippet description. !26341
- Optimize todos counters in usage data. !26442
- Optimize event counters query performance in usage data. !26444
- Ensure RepositoryLinkFilter handles Gitaly failures gracefully. !26531
- Fix N+1 queries for PipelinesController#index.json. !26643
- Optimize Project related count with slack service. !26686
- Optimize Project counters with respository enabled counter. !26698
- Optimize Deployment related counters. !26757
- Optimize ci_pipelines counters in usage data. !26774
- Improve performance of the "has this commit been reverted?" check. !26784
- Optimize Project counters with pipelines enabled counter. !26802
- Optimize notes counters in usage data. !26871
- Optimize clusters counters query performance in usage data. !26887
- Enable Workhorse upload acceleration for Project Import uploads via API. !26914
- Use process-wide memory cache for feature flags. !26935
- Optimize services usage counters using batch counters. !26973
- Optimize Project related count service desk enabled. !27115
- Swap to UNLINK for Redis set cache. !27116
- Optimize members counters query performance in usage data. !27197
- Use batch counters instead of approximate counters in usage data. !27218
- Enable Redis cache key compression. !27254
- Move feature flag list into process cache. !27511
- Remove duplicate authorization refresh for group members on project creation.
- Optimize project representation in large imports.
- Replace several temporary indexes with a single one to save time when running mentions migration.
### Added (115 changes, 16 of them are from the community)
- Notifications for when pipelines are fixed. !16951 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Backport API support to move between repository storages/shards. !18721 (Ben Bodenmiller)
- Add ability to trigger pipelines when project is rebuilt. !20063
- Add user dismiss option to broadcast messages. !20665 (Fabio Huser)
- Show notices in Admin area when detected any of these cases: Puma, multi-threaded Puma, multi-threaded Puma + Rugged. !21403
- Update git workflows and routes to allow snippets. !21739
- Add Cobertura XML coverage visualization to merge request diff view. !21791 (Fabio Huser)
- Add 2FA support to admin mode feature. !22281 (Diego Louzán)
- GraphQL: Add Board type. !22497 (Alexander Koval)
- Add/update services to delete snippets repositories. !22672
- Render single snippet blob in repository. !23848
- Commit file when snippet is created. !23953
- Addition of the Group Deploy Token interface. !24102
- Allow multiple Slack channels for notifications. !24132
- Import/Export snippet repositories. !24150
- Add custom validator for validating file path. !24223 (Rajendra Kadam)
- Add a bulk processor for elasticsearch incremental updates. !24298
- Send alert emails for generic incident alerts. !24414
- Introduce default branch protection at the group level. !24426
- Add "New release" button to Releases page. !24516
- Nudge users to select a gitlab-ci.yml template. !24622
- Allow enabling/disabling modsecurity from UI. !24747
- Add possibility to track milestone changes on issues and merge requests. !24780
- Allow group/project board to be queried by ID via GraphQL. !24825
- Add functionality to revoke a X509Certificate and update related X509CommitSignatures. !24889 (Roger Meier)
- Update file content of an existing custom dashboard. !25024
- Add deploy tokens instance API endpoint. !25066
- Add support for alert-based metric embeds in GFM. !25075
- Add restrictions for signup email addresses. !25122
- Add accessibility scanning CI template. !25144
- Expose `plan` and `trial` to `/users/:id` endpoint. !25151
- Add "Job Title" field in user settings and display on profile. !25155
- Add endpoint for listing all deploy tokens for a project. !25186
- Add api endpoint for listing deploy tokens for a group. !25219
- Add API endpoint for deleting project deploy tokens. !25220
- Add API endpoint for deleting group deploy tokens. !25222
- Allow users to get Merge Trains entries via Public API. !25229
- Added CI_MERGE_REQUEST_CHANGED_PAGE_* to Predefined Variables reference. !25256
- Add missing arguments to UpdateIssue mutation. !25268
- Add api endpoint to create deploy tokens. !25270
- Automatically include embedded metrics for GitLab alert incidents. !25277
- Allow to create masked variable from group variables API. !25283 (Emmanuel CARRE)
- Add migration to create self monitoring project environment. !25289
- Add deploy and re-deploy buttons to deployments. !25427
- Replaced ACE with Monaco editor for Snippets. !25465
- Add support for user Job Title. !25483
- Add name_regex_keep param to container registry bulk delete API endpoint. !25484
- Add Project template for Gatsby. !25486
- Add filepath to ReleaseLink. !25512
- Added Drop older active deployments project setting. !25520
- Add filepath to release links API. !25533
- Adds new activity panel to package details page. !25534
- Add filepath redirect url. !25541
- Add version column to operations_feature_flags table. !25552
- Filter commits by author. !25597
- Add api endpoint for creating group deploy tokens. !25629
- Expose assets filepath URL on UI. !25635
- Update moved service desk issues notifications. !25640
- Allow chart descriptions for Insights. !25686
- Allow to disable inheritance of default job settings. !25690
- Support more query variables in custom dashboards per project. !25732
- All image diffs (except for renamed files) show the image file size in the diff. !25734
- Optional custom icon in the OmniAuth login labels. !25744 (Tobias Wawryniuk, Luca Leonardo Scorcia)
- Add avatar upload support for create and update group APIs. !25751 (Rajendra Kadam)
- Add properties to the dashboard definition to customize y-axis format. !25785
- Empty state for Code Review Analytics. !25793
- Search issues in GraphQL API by milestone title and assignees. !25794
- Add package_type as a filter option to the packages list API endpoint. !25816
- Add support for configuring remote mirrors via API. !25825 (Rajendra Kadam)
- Display base label in versions drop down. !25834
- Create table & setup operations endpoint for Status Page Settings. !25863
- Update Ingress chart version to 1.29.7. !25949
- Include snippet description as part of snippet title search (basic search). !25961
- Add admin API endpoint to delete Sidekiq jobs matching metadata. !25998
- Add documentation for create remote mirrors API. !26012 (Rajendra Kadam)
- Update charts documentation and common_metrics.yml to enable data formatting. !26048
- Allow issues/merge_requests as an issuable_type in Insights configuration. !26061
- Add migration for Requirement model. !26097
- Create scim_identities table in preparation for newer SCIM features in the future. !26124
- Add web_url attribute to API response for Commits. !26173
- Filter sentry error list by status (unresolved/ignored/resolved). !26205
- Add grape custom validator for sha params. !26220 (Rajendra Kadam)
- Update cluster-applications to v0.9.0. !26242
- Support DotEnv Variables through report type artifact. !26247
- More logs entries are loaded when logs are scrolled to the top. !26254
- Introduce db table to store users statistics. !26261
- Add title to Analytics sidebar menus. !26265
- Added package_name as filter parameter to packages API. !26291
- Added tracking to merge request jump to next thread buttons. !26319 (Martin Hobert)
- Introduce optional expiry date for SSH Keys. !26351
- Show cluster status (FE). !26368
- Add CI template to deploy to ECS. !26371
- Make hostname configurable for smartcard authentication. !26411
- Filter rules by target_branch in approval_settings. !26439
- Add CRUD for Instance-Level Integrations. !26454
- Add vars to allow air-gapped usage of Retire.js (Dependency Scanning). !26463
- Upgrade Pages to 1.17.0. !26478
- Add dedicated Release page for viewing a single Release. !26502
- Allow selecting all queues with sidekiq-cluster. !26594
- Enable feature Dynamic Child Pipeline creation via artifact. !26648
- Generate JSON-formatted a11y CI artifacts. !26687
- Add anchor tags to related issues and related merge requests. !26756 (Gilang Gumilar)
- Added Blob Description Edit component in Vue. !26762
- Added Edit Visibility Vue compoenent for Snippet. !26799
- Add package_type as a filter option to the group packages list API endpoint. !26833
- Update UI for project and group settings CI variables. !26901
- Track merge request cherry-picks. !26907
- Introduce database table for user highest roles. !26987
- Add ability to whitelist ports. !27025
- Add issue summary to Release blocks on the Releases page. !27032
- Support sidekiq-cluster supervision through bin/background_jobs. !27042
- Adds crossplane as CI/CD Managed App. !27374
- Update UI for project and group settings CI variables. !27411
- Add remote mirrors API.
- Add changed pages dropdown to visual review modal.
### Other (66 changes, 22 of them are from the community)
- Make design_management_versions.created_at not null. !20182 (Lee Tickett)
- Drop forked_project_links table. !20771 (Lee Tickett)
- Moves refreshData from issue model to board store. !21409 (nuwe1)
- Use DNT: 1 as an experiment opt-out mechanism. !22100
- Include full path to an upload in api response. !23500 (briankabiro)
- Update Ruby version in official CI templates. !23585 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Schedule worker to migrate security job artifacts to security scans. !24125
- Move namespace of Secure Sidekiq queues. !24340
- Remove spinner from app/views/projects/notes. !25015 (nuwe1)
- Migrate .fa-spinner to .spinner for ee/app/views/shared/members. !25019 (nuwe1)
- Migrate .fa-spinner to .spinner for app/views/ide. !25022 (nuwe1)
- Remove spinner from app/views/award_emoji. !25032 (nuwe1)
- Remove .fa-spinner from app/views/projects/forks. !25034 (nuwe1)
- Remove .fa-spinner from app/views/snippets/notes. !25036 (nuwe1)
- Migrate .fa-spinner to .spinner for app/views/help. !25037 (nuwe1)
- Replaced underscore with lodash for app/assets/javascripts/lib. !25042 (Shubham Pandey)
- Remove unused loading spinner from badge_settings partial. !25044 (nuwe1)
- Migrate .fa-spinner to .spinner for app/views/projects/find_file. !25051 (nuwe1)
- Migrate .fa-spinner to .spinner for app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/discussion_resolve_button.vue. !25055 (nuwe1)
- Change OmniAuth log format to JSON. !25086
- migrate fa spinner for notification_dropdown.js. !25141 (minghuan)
- Use new loading spinner in Todos dashboard buttons. !25142 (Tsegaselassie Tadesse)
- Refuse to start web server without a working ActiveRecord connection. !25160
- Simplifying colors in the Web IDE. !25304
- Clean up conditional `col-` classes in `nav_dropdown_button.vue`. !25312
- Only load usage ping cron schedule for Sidekiq. !25325
- Update rouge to v3.16.0. !25334 (Konrad Borowski)
- Update project's permission settings description to reflect actual permissions. !25523
- Use clearer error message for pages deploy job when the SHA is outdated. !25659
- Add index on LOWER(domain) for pages_domains. !25664
- Remove repository_storage column from snippets. !25699
- Add instance column to services table. !25714
- Update GitLab Runner Helm Chart to 0.14.0. !25749
- Update loader for various project views. !25755 (Phellipe K Ribeiro)
- Clarify private visibility for projects. !25852
- Do not parse undefined severity and confidence from reports. !25884
- Remove special chars from previous and next items in pagination. !25891
- Update Auto DevOps deployment template's auto-deploy-image to v0.10.0 (updates the included glibc). !25920
- Update DAST auto-deploy-image to v0.10.0. !25922
- Optimize storage usage for newly created ES indices. !25992
- Replace undefined severity with unknown severity for occurrences. !26085
- Replace undefined severity with unknown severity for vulnerabilities. !26305
- Remove unused Snippets#content_types method. !26306
- Change tooltip text for pipeline on last commit widget. !26315
- Resolve Change link-icons on security configuration page to follow design system. !26340
- Put System Metrics chart group first in default dashboard. !26355
- Validates only one service template per type. !26380
- update table layout for error tracking list on medium view ports. !26479
- Validate absence of project_id if service is a template. !26563
- Move sidekiq-cluster script to Core. !26703
- Update GitLab's codeclimate to 0.85.9. !26712 (Eddie Stubbington)
- Bump minimum node version to v10.13.0. !26831
- Remove promoted notes temporary index. !26896
- Update Project Import API rate limit. !26903
- Backfill LfsObjectsProject records of forks. !26964
- Add migration for creating open_project_tracker_data table. !26966
- Fixed SSH warning style. !26992
- Use new codequality docker image from ci-cd group. !27098
- Add tooltip to modification icon in the file tree. !27158
- Upgrade Gitaly gem and fix UserSquash RPC usage. !27372
- Replace issue-external icon with external-link. !208827
- Add keep_divergent_refs to remote_mirrors table.
- Replace issue-duplicate icon with duplicate icon.
- Add confidential attribute to notes table.
- Replace content_viewer_spec setTimeouts with semantic actions / events. (Oregand)
- Improvement in token reference.
## 12.8.7 (2020-03-16)
### Fixed (1 change, 1 of them is from the community)
title: Project repositories are no longer cloned by default when running DAST
merge_request: 25320
type: performance
title: Make hostname configurable for smartcard authentication
merge_request: 26411
type: added
title: Fix Insights displaying JSON on back navigation
merge_request: 25801
type: fixed
title: Fix infinite spinner on error detail page
merge_request: 26188
type: fixed
title: 'Use DNT: 1 as an experiment opt-out mechanism'
merge_request: 22100
type: other
title: Decouple Webhooks from Integrations within Project > Settings
merge_request: 23136
type: changed
title: Add id and image_v432x230 columns to design_management_designs_versions
merge_request: 22860
type: changed
title: Allow issues/merge_requests as an issuable_type in Insights configuration
merge_request: 26061
type: added
title: 'Elasticsearch: when index is absent warn users and disable index button'
merge_request: 25254
type: fixed
title: Add responsivity to cluster environments table
merge_request: 25501
type: fixed
title: Allow multiple Slack channels for notifications
merge_request: 24132
type: added
title: Markup tips for Markdown shown while editing wiki pages in other formats
merge_request: 25974
type: fixed
title: Tweak wiki page title handling
merge_request: 25647
type: changed
title: Use of sha instead of ref when creating a new ref on deployment creation.
merge_request: 23170
type: fixed
title: Ensure weight changes no longer render duplicate system notes
merge_request: 26014
type: fixed
title: Improved selection of multiple cards
author: Gwen_
type: fixed
title: Remove staging from commit workflow in the Web IDE
merge_request: 26151
type: removed
title: Replace underscore with lodash for ./app/assets/javascripts/badges
merge_request: 24966
author: Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi
type: changed
title: Replaced underscore with lodash for app/assets/javascripts/lib
merge_request: 25042
author: Shubham Pandey
type: other
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