This example guides you in setting up Gitlab CI for Play Scala web applications with automated testing and deployment to Heroku. It is accompanied with a [running example]([source]( and [build status](
### Configure CI for your project
Add the following `.gitlab-ci.yml` to an existing project based on Play:
image: java:8
# Install SBT
- echo "deb /" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list
2.`deploy` - automatically deploys the project to Heroku using dpl.
### Heroku application
A Heroku application is required. You can create one through the [Dashboard]( Substitute `gitlab-play-sample-app` in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file with your application's name.
### Heroku API key
You can look up your Heroku API key in your [account]( Add a variable with this value in `Project > Variables` with key `HEROKU_API_KEY`.