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Verified Commit a701b1fc authored by Luke "Jared" Bennett's avatar Luke "Jared" Bennett
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Started on new slash commands edit view

parent b23f32a7
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@@ -888,3 +888,23 @@ pre.light-well {
width: 30%;
.services-installation-info .row {
margin-bottom: 10px;
.service-installation {
padding: 32px;
margin: 32px;
border-radius: 3px;
background-color: $white-light;
h3 {
margin-top: 0;
hr {
margin: 32px 0;
border-color: $border-color;
@@ -148,6 +148,15 @@ module ProjectsHelper
def mattermost_teams_options(teams)
teams_options = do |team|
return nil unless team['display_name'] && team['id']
[team['display_name'], team['id']]
teams_options.unshift(['Select a team...', '0']) unless teams_options.count === 1
def repo_children_classes(field)
@@ -390,7 +399,7 @@ module ProjectsHelper
def readme_cache_key
sha = @project.commit.try(:sha) || 'nil'
[@project.path_with_namespace, sha, "readme"].join('-')
= form_for(:create, method: :post, url: configure_namespace_project_mattermost_index_path(@project.namespace, @project)) do |f|
= "Team ID"
= f.text_field(:team_id)
= f.submit 'Configure', class: 'btn btn-save'
- twoTeams = [{"id"=>"w59qt5a817f69jkxdz6xe7y4ir", "create_at"=>1481835484179, "update_at"=>1481835484179, "delete_at"=>0, "display_name"=>"new_team", "name"=>"new-team", "email"=>"", "type"=>"O", "company_name"=>"", "allowed_domains"=>"", "invite_id"=>"mfgsqnmpiby18eepo6jd6pq3oh", "allow_open_invite"=>false}, {"id"=>"my9oujxf5jy1zqdgu9rihd66do", "create_at"=>1481826062406, "update_at"=>1481826062406, "delete_at"=>0, "display_name"=>"chatops", "name"=>"chatops", "email"=>"", "type"=>"O", "company_name"=>"", "allowed_domains"=>"", "invite_id"=>"s7c1phenmi8udkybcyytc3pxuh", "allow_open_invite"=>false}]
- oneTeams = [{"id"=>"w59qt5a817f69jkxdz6xe7y4ir", "create_at"=>1481835484179, "update_at"=>1481835484179, "delete_at"=>0, "display_name"=>"new_team", "name"=>"new-team", "email"=>"", "type"=>"O", "company_name"=>"", "allowed_domains"=>"", "invite_id"=>"mfgsqnmpiby18eepo6jd6pq3oh", "allow_open_invite"=>false}]
- noTeams = []
- teams = twoTeams
= custom_icon('mattermost_logo', size: 48)
%h3 Install Mattermost Command
- if teams.count === 0
To install this service, you must be administrator of a team in the Mattermost instance at
%strong some_path.url
%p Ask your Mattermost system administrator for permissions.
= link_to 'Go back', 'some_url', class: 'btn btn-lg pull-right'
- else
This service will be installed on the Mattermost instance at
%strong some_path.url
= form_for(:create, method: :post, url: configure_namespace_project_mattermost_index_path(@project.namespace, @project, )) do |f|
%h4 Team
%p Select or create the team where the slash commands will be used in
- options = mattermost_teams_options(teams)
- isOneTeam = options.count === 1
=, options, {}, {class: 'form-control', selected: "#{options.first[1] if isOneTeam}", disabled: isOneTeam})
- if isOneTeam
This is the only team where you are an administrator.
To create a team, ask your Mattermost system administrator.
- else
The list shows teams where you are administrator
To create a team, ask your Mattermost system administrator.
%h4 Command trigger word
%p Choose the word that will trigger commands
= f.text_field(:trigger, value: @project.path, class: 'form-control')
%p Trigger word must be unique, and cannot begin with a slash or contain any spaces. Use the word that works best for your team.
%p Fill in the word that works best for your team.
%code= 'gitlab'
%code= @project.path # Path contains no spaces, but dashes
%code= @project.path_with_namespace
= link_to 'see list of built-in slash commands', 'some_url'
= link_to 'Cancel', 'some_url', class: 'btn btn-lg'
= f.submit 'Install', class: 'btn btn-save btn-lg'
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
= form_for(@service, as: :service, url: namespace_project_service_path(@project.namespace, @project, @service.to_param), method: :put, html: { class: 'form-horizontal' }) do |form|
= render 'shared/service_settings', form: form, subject: @service
- if @service.to_param != 'mattermost_slash_commands'
= form.submit 'Save changes', class: 'btn btn-save'
- if @service.valid? && @service.activated?
- unless @service.can_test?
- disabled_class = 'disabled'
- disabled_title = @service.disabled_title
= form.submit 'Save changes', class: 'btn btn-save'
- if @service.valid? && @service.activated?
- unless @service.can_test?
- disabled_class = 'disabled'
- disabled_title = @service.disabled_title
= link_to 'Test settings', test_namespace_project_service_path(@project.namespace, @project, @service), class: "btn #{disabled_class}", title: disabled_title
= link_to "Cancel", namespace_project_services_path(@project.namespace, @project), class: "btn btn-cancel"
= link_to 'Test settings', test_namespace_project_service_path(@project.namespace, @project, @service), class: "btn #{disabled_class}", title: disabled_title
= link_to "Cancel", namespace_project_services_path(@project.namespace, @project), class: "btn btn-cancel"
- pretty_path_with_namespace = "#{@project ? : 'namespace'} / #{@project ? : 'name'}"
- run_actions_text = "Perform common operations on this project: #{pretty_path_with_namespace}"
This service allows GitLab users to perform common operations on this
project by entering slash commands in Mattermost.
@@ -8,96 +5,5 @@
See list of available commands in Mattermost after setting up this service,
by entering
%code /<command_trigger_word> help
To setup this service:
= link_to 'Enable custom slash commands', ''
on your Mattermost installation
= link_to 'Add a slash command', ''
in Mattermost with these options:
= label_tag :display_name, 'Display name', class: 'col-sm-2 col-xs-12 control-label'
= text_field_tag :display_name, "GitLab / #{pretty_path_with_namespace}", class: 'form-control input-sm', readonly: 'readonly'
= clipboard_button(clipboard_target: '#display_name')
= label_tag :description, 'Description', class: 'col-sm-2 col-xs-12 control-label'
= text_field_tag :description, run_actions_text, class: 'form-control input-sm', readonly: 'readonly'
= clipboard_button(clipboard_target: '#description')
= label_tag nil, 'Command trigger word', class: 'col-sm-2 col-xs-12 control-label'
%p Fill in the word that works best for your team.
%code= 'gitlab'
%code= @project.path # Path contains no spaces, but dashes
%code= @project.path_with_namespace
= label_tag :request_url, 'Request URL', class: 'col-sm-2 col-xs-12 control-label'
= text_field_tag :request_url, service_trigger_url(subject), class: 'form-control input-sm', readonly: 'readonly'
= clipboard_button(clipboard_target: '#request_url')
= label_tag nil, 'Request method', class: 'col-sm-2 col-xs-12 control-label'
.col-sm-10.col-xs-12.text-block POST
= label_tag :response_username, 'Response username', class: 'col-sm-2 col-xs-12 control-label'
= text_field_tag :response_username, 'GitLab', class: 'form-control input-sm', readonly: 'readonly'
= clipboard_button(clipboard_target: '#response_username')
= label_tag :response_icon, 'Response icon', class: 'col-sm-2 col-xs-12 control-label'
= text_field_tag :response_icon, asset_url('gitlab_logo.png'), class: 'form-control input-sm', readonly: 'readonly'
= clipboard_button(clipboard_target: '#response_icon')
= label_tag nil, 'Autocomplete', class: 'col-sm-2 col-xs-12 control-label'
.col-sm-10.col-xs-12.text-block Yes
= label_tag :autocomplete_hint, 'Autocomplete hint', class: 'col-sm-2 col-xs-12 control-label'
= text_field_tag :autocomplete_hint, '[help]', class: 'form-control input-sm', readonly: 'readonly'
= clipboard_button(clipboard_target: '#autocomplete_hint')
= label_tag :autocomplete_description, 'Autocomplete description', class: 'col-sm-2 col-xs-12 control-label'
= text_field_tag :autocomplete_description, run_actions_text, class: 'form-control input-sm', readonly: 'readonly'
= clipboard_button(clipboard_target: '#autocomplete_description')
3. After adding the slash command, paste the
%strong token
into the field below
- if Gitlab.config.mattermost.enabled
= link_to "Auto config", new_namespace_project_mattermost_path(@project.namespace, @project)
= render 'projects/services/mattermost_slash_commands/installation_info'
-# .alert.alert-info
-# Mattermost Command was successfully installed. You can now use GitLab inside Mattermost
-# = emoji_icon('')
%strong.col-sm-3.text-right Status
.col-sm-9= @service.activated? ? 'Installed' : 'Not installed'
%strong.col-sm-3.text-right Mattermost
= link_to 'some_path.url', 'some_path.url', class: 'col-sm-9'
- if @service.activated?
%strong.col-sm-3.text-right Team
%strong.col-sm-3.text-right Installation
- if @service.activated?
To edit or uninstall this service, press
%strong Edit in Mattermost
- else
To install this service, press
%strong Add to Mattermost
and follow the instructions
= link_to new_namespace_project_mattermost_path(@project.namespace, @project), class: 'btn btn-lg' do
= custom_icon('mattermost_logo', size: 15)
= @service.activated? ? 'Edit in Mattermost' : 'Add to Mattermost'
@@ -7,44 +7,45 @@
= preserve do
= markdown
= form.label :active, "Active", class: "control-label"
= form.check_box :active
- if @service.supported_events.present?
- if @service.to_param != 'mattermost_slash_commands'
= form.label :url, "Trigger", class: 'control-label'
= form.label :active, "Active", class: "control-label"
- @service.supported_events.each do |event|
= form.check_box service_event_field_name(event), class: 'pull-left'
= form.label service_event_field_name(event), class: 'list-label' do
= event.humanize
- field = @service.event_field(event)
- if field
= form.text_field field[:name], class: "form-control", placeholder: field[:placeholder]
= service_event_description(event)
- @service.global_fields.each do |field|
- type = field[:type]
- if type == 'fieldset'
- fields = field[:fields]
- legend = field[:legend]
%legend= legend
- fields.each do |subfield|
= render 'shared/field', form: form, field: subfield
- else
= render 'shared/field', form: form, field: field
= form.check_box :active
- if @service.supported_events.present?
= form.label :url, "Trigger", class: 'control-label'
- @service.supported_events.each do |event|
= form.check_box service_event_field_name(event), class: 'pull-left'
= form.label service_event_field_name(event), class: 'list-label' do
= event.humanize
- field = @service.event_field(event)
- if field
= form.text_field field[:name], class: "form-control", placeholder: field[:placeholder]
= service_event_description(event)
- @service.global_fields.each do |field|
- type = field[:type]
- if type == 'fieldset'
- fields = field[:fields]
- legend = field[:legend]
%legend= legend
- fields.each do |subfield|
= render 'shared/field', form: form, field: subfield
- else
= render 'shared/field', form: form, field: field
<svg xmlns="" width="<%= size %>" height="<%= size %>" version="1" viewBox="0 0 501 501"><path d="M236 .7C137.7 7.5 54 68.2 18.2 158.5c-32 81-19.6 172.8 33 242.5 39.8 53 97.2 87 164.3 97 16.5 2.7 48 3.2 63.5 1.2 48.7-6.3 92.2-24.6 129-54.2 13-10.5 33-31.2 42.2-43.7 26.4-35.5 42.8-75.8 49-120.3 1.6-12.3 1.6-48.7 0-61-4-28.3-12-54.8-24.2-79.5-12.8-26-26.5-45.3-46.8-65.8C417.8 64 400.2 49 398.4 49c-.6 0-.4 10.5.3 26l1.3 26 7 8.7c19 23.7 32.8 53.5 38.2 83 2.5 14 3 43 1 55.8-4.5 27.8-15.2 54-31 76.5-8.6 12.2-28 31.6-40.2 40.2-24 17-50 27.6-80 33-10 1.8-49 1.8-59 0-43-7.7-78.8-26-107.2-54.8-29.3-29.7-46.5-64-52.4-104.4-2-14-1.5-42 1-55C90 121.4 132 72 192 49.7c8-3 18.4-5.8 29.5-8.2 1.7-.4 34.4-38 35.3-40.6.3-1-10.2-1-20.8-.4z"/><path d="M322.2 24.6c-1.3.8-8.4 9.3-16 18.7-7.4 9.5-22.4 28-33.2 41.2-51 62.2-66 81.6-70.6 91-6 12-8.4 21-9 33-1.2 19.8 5 36 19 50C222 268 230 273 243 277.2c9 3 10.4 3.2 24 3.2 13.8 0 15 0 22.6-3 23.2-9 39-28.4 45-55.7 2-8.2 2-28.7.4-79.7l-2-72c-1-36.8-1.4-41.8-3-44-2-3-4.8-3.6-7.8-1.4z"/></svg>
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