@@ -393,6 +393,27 @@ The following requirements must be met for the metric to unfurl:

### Embedding live Grafana charts
It is also possible to embed live [Grafana](https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/grafana.html) charts within issues, as a [Direct Linked Rendered Image](https://grafana.com/docs/reference/sharing/#direct-link-rendered-image).
The sharing dialog within Grafana provides the link, as highlighted below.

NOTE: **Note:**
For this embed to display correctly the Grafana instance must be available to the target user, either as a public dashboard or on the same network.
Copy the link and add an image tag as [inline HTML](../../markdown.md#inline-html) in your markdown. You may tweak the query parameters as required. For instance, removing the `&from=` and `&to=` parameters will give you a live chart. Here is example markup for a live chart from GitLab's public dashboard: