- Mar 12, 2020
GitLab Bot authored
- Mar 11, 2020
GitLab Bot authored
- Feb 21, 2020
GitLab Bot authored
- Feb 13, 2020
GitLab Bot authored
- Feb 07, 2020
GitLab Bot authored
- Feb 04, 2020
GitLab Bot authored
- Jan 29, 2020
GitLab Bot authored
- Dec 11, 2019
GitLab Bot authored
- Dec 10, 2019
GitLab Bot authored
- Dec 07, 2019
GitLab Bot authored
- Nov 28, 2019
GitLab Bot authored
- Oct 14, 2019
GitLab Bot authored
- Oct 09, 2019
GitLab Bot authored
- Sep 30, 2019
GitLab Bot authored
- Sep 17, 2019
GitLab Bot authored
- Aug 28, 2019
Stan Hu authored
When a issue is moved from one project to another, all associated Markdown text is rewritten in the context of the new project. If the note contained a link to a commit URL, `CommitRewriter#rewrite` would fail because `Commit#link_reference_pattern` would match `nil` `commit` values in the HTML generated from the Markdown. These `nil` values were passed along to `Project#commits_by` because `Commit#reference_valid?` was always returning `true`. To prevent this issue from happening, we tighten up the check for `Commit#reference_valid?` to look for valid SHA values. Closes https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/66666
- Jul 24, 2019
Stan Hu authored
`Array.reverse_each` is faster than `Array.reverse.each` because: * reverse.each creates a new array then loops each element * reverse_each loops in reverse order (no intermediate array created)
- Jun 13, 2019
Stan Hu authored
In production, we've seen the rendering times of the merge request widget increase as a result of loading commit data. BatchLoader attempts to call replace_methods on the lazy object, but this has a significant performance penalty for modules that have many methods. Disabling this mode (https://github.com/exAspArk/batch-loader/pull/45) appears to cut load times by about 50% for MergeRequestsController#show. Relates to https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/infrastructure/issues/6941
- Jun 05, 2019
Patrick Bajao authored
This allows using `CacheMarkdownField` for models that are not backed by ActiveRecord. When the including class inherits `ActiveRecord::Base` we include `Gitlab::MarkdownCache::ActiveRecord::Extension`. This will cause the markdown fields to be rendered and the generated HTML stored in a `<field>_html` attribute on the record. We also store the version used for generating the markdown. All other classes that include this model will include the `Gitlab::MarkdownCache::Redis::Extension`. This add the `<field>_html` attributes to that model and will generate the html in them. The generated HTML will be cached in redis under the key `markdown_cache:<class>:<id>`. The class this included in must therefore respond to `id`.
- Feb 06, 2019
- Jan 31, 2019
Kamil Trzcińśki authored
- Jan 28, 2019
Kamil Trzcińśki authored
- Dec 28, 2018
- Dec 07, 2018
Stan Hu authored
Closes https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/54862
- Dec 05, 2018
- Nov 19, 2018
Nick Thomas authored
Private commit emails were introduced in !22560, but some parts of GitLab were not updated to take account of them. This commit adds support in places that were missed.
- Nov 07, 2018
Tiago Botelho authored
The private commit email is automatically generated in the format: id-username@noreply.HOSTNAME GitLab instance admins are able to change the HOSTNAME portion, that defaults to Gitlab's hostname, to whatever they prefer.
- Oct 03, 2018
Paul Slaughter authored
**Notes:** - Also exposes commit.pipeline_status_path in diffs.json
- Sep 06, 2018
Nick Thomas authored
Nick Thomas authored
- Aug 21, 2018
Sean McGivern authored
yisiliang authored
yisiliang authored
- Aug 10, 2018
Peter Leitzen authored
- Jul 26, 2018
gfyoung authored
Partially addresses #47424.
- May 17, 2018
Yorick Peterse authored
When displaying the pipelines of a project we now preload the following data: 1. Authors of the commits that belong to these pipelines 2. The number of warnings per pipeline, which is used by Ci::Pipeline#has_warnings? == Commit Authors Previously this data was queried for every Commit separately, leading to 20 SQL queries being executed in the worst case. With an average of 3 to 5 milliseconds per SQL query this could result in 100 milliseconds being spent in _just_ getting Commit authors. To preload this data Commit#author now uses BatchLoader (through Commit#lazy_author), and a separate module Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Preloader is used to ensure all authors are loaded before they are used. == Number of warnings This changes Ci::Pipeline#has_warnings? so it supports preloading of the number of warnings per pipeline. This removes the need for executing a COUNT(*) query for every pipeline just to see if it has any warnings or not.
- May 01, 2018
- Apr 29, 2018
blackst0ne authored
This commit fixes errors like: ``` 1) API::Todos GET /todos when unauthenticated returns authentication error Failure/Error: @raw.__send__(method, *args, &block) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend NoMethodError: undefined method `touch_later' for #<Gitlab::Git::Commit:0x00005573f5196270> # ./app/models/commit.rb:259:in `method_missing' # ./spec/requests/api/todos_spec.rb:12:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>' ```
- Apr 19, 2018
Stan Hu authored
We saw about 10,000 SQL queries for some commits in the NewNoteWorker, which stalled the Sidekiq queue for other new notes. The notification service took up to 8 minutes to process the commits. Avoiding this N+1 query brings the time down significantly. Closes #45526
- Apr 06, 2018
Oswaldo Ferreir authored