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  1. Jul 26, 2018
  2. Feb 28, 2018
  3. Jan 17, 2017
  4. Nov 29, 2016
  5. Nov 21, 2016
  6. Nov 17, 2016
  7. Oct 13, 2016
  8. Oct 12, 2016
  9. Sep 20, 2016
    • Timothy Andrew's avatar
      Implement a second round of review comments from @DouweM. · 918e589c
      Timothy Andrew authored
      - Don't use `TableReferences` - using `.arel_table` is shorter!
      - Move some database-related code to `Gitlab::Database`
      - Remove the `MergeRequest#issues_closed` and
        `Issue#closed_by_merge_requests`  associations. They were either
        shadowing or were too similar to existing methods. They are not being
        used anywhere, so it's better to remove them to reduce confusion.
      - Use Rails 3-style validations
      - Index for `MergeRequest::Metrics#first_deployed_to_production_at`
      - Only include `CycleAnalyticsHelpers::TestGeneration` for specs that
        need it.
      - Other minor refactorings.
    • Timothy Andrew's avatar
      Implement (some) comments from @DouweM's review. · 71d4bf72
      Timothy Andrew authored
      - Move things common to `Issue` and `MergeRequest` into `Issuable`
      - Move more database-specific functions into `Gitlab::Database`
      - Indentation changes and other minor refactorings.
    • Timothy Andrew's avatar
      Implement review comments from @yorickpeterse · 8957293d
      Timothy Andrew authored
      1. Change multiple updates to a single `update_all`
      2. Use cascading deletes
      3. Extract an average function for the database median.
      4. Move database median to `lib/gitlab/database`
      5. Use `delete_all` instead of `destroy_all`
      6. Minor refactoring
    • Timothy Andrew's avatar
      Implement a database median strategy for MySQL. · 4ff8d5d2
      Timothy Andrew authored
      1. Dispatch between the two strategies automatically based on the
         current database type.
      2. The MySQL version needs to run multiple statements, so the
         `cycle_analytics` model is modified to support this.
    • Timothy Andrew's avatar
      CycleAnalytics operates on merge requests that have been deployed. · cebfe053
      Timothy Andrew authored
      1. Look for merge requests (and issues that they close) that have been
         deployed to production in the last X days (where X is given by the
         `from` parameter).
      2. Cycle analytics queries only operate on this fitered set of merge
         requests and issues.
  10. Sep 19, 2016
  11. Sep 17, 2016
  12. Sep 15, 2016
    • Timothy Andrew's avatar
      Improve performance of the cycle analytics page. · ba25e2f1
      Timothy Andrew authored
      1. These changes bring down page load time for 100 issues from more than
         a minute to about 1.5 seconds.
      2. This entire commit is composed of these types of performance
           - Cache relevant data in `IssueMetrics` wherever possible.
           - Cache relevant data in `MergeRequestMetrics` wherever possible.
           - Preload metrics
      3. Given these improvements, we now only need to make 4 SQL calls:
          - Load all issues
          - Load all merge requests
          - Load all metrics for the issues
          - Load all metrics for the merge requests
      4. A list of all the data points that are now being pre-calculated:
          a. The first time an issue is mentioned in a commit
            - In `GitPushService`, find all issues mentioned by the given commit
              using `ReferenceExtractor`. Set the `first_mentioned_in_commit_at`
              flag for each of them.
            - There seems to be a (pre-existing) bug here - files (and
              therefore commits) created using the Web CI don't have
              cross-references created, and issues are not closed even when
              the commit title is "Fixes #xx".
          b. The first time a merge request is deployed to production
            When a `Deployment` is created, find all merge requests that
            were merged in before the deployment, and set the
            `first_deployed_to_production_at` flag for each of them.
          c. The start / end time for a merge request pipeline
            Hook into the `Pipeline` state machine. When the `status` moves to
            `running`, find the merge requests whose tip commit matches the
            pipeline, and record the `latest_build_started_at` time for each
            of them. When the `status` moves to `success`, record the
            `latest_build_finished_at` time.
          d. The merge requests that close an issue
            - This was a big cause of the performance problems we were having
              with Cycle Analytics. We need to use `ReferenceExtractor` to make
              this calculation, which is slow when we have to run it on a large
              number of merge requests.
            - When a merge request is created, updated, or refreshed, find the
              issues it closes, and create an instance of
              `MergeRequestsClosingIssues`, which acts as a join model between
              merge requests and issues.
            - If a `MergeRequestsClosingIssues` instance links a merge request
              and an issue, that issue closes that merge request.
      5. The `Queries` module was changed into a class, so we can cache the
         results of `issues` and `merge_requests_closing_issues` across
         various cycle analytics stages.
      6. The code added in this commit is untested. Tests will be added in the
         next commit.
  13. Sep 08, 2016
  14. Sep 02, 2016
    • Timothy Andrew's avatar
      Tweak cycle analytics query to match the current requirements. · 0910868d
      Timothy Andrew authored
      - The `review` phase ends when a MR is merged, not "merged OR closed".
      - The `code` phase starts when a MR is first mentioned in a commit, and
        ends when a merge request closing the issue is created.
      - The `plan` phase ends when the issue first mentioned in a commit.
      - Fix the `median` function so it sorts the incoming data points.
      - A data point where `end_time` is prior to `start_time` is invalid.
  15. Aug 26, 2016