Considering that a multitude of people (including myself) frown upon the use of /home/ for serving anything out of, and instead prefer other locations within the filesystem for locating servers (such as /srv/), it should be expected that the post-receive hook may not exist there.
Throwing a fatal error when it does not exist there is useless in circumstances like my own.
A better alternative would be a warning, IMO - "We don't think this is right - check this unless you know what you're doing" would be far better than "File does not exist, return 1 and BAIL OUT"
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I ran into this as well (but only remember seeing it with 2.8 -- perhaps it didnt happen in 2.7) -- in my case, the files were at /scratch/git/.gitolite/hooks/common
I looked, but didnt see a place in the config/gitlab.yml file to specify where the gitolite install was located at.
By Administrator on 2012-08-26T19:34:24 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-08-26T19:34:24 (imported from GitLab)
yeah, I noticed this yesterday as well. apologies; I used yum to install gitolite 2 when I did my gitlab install, and that seems to be why I ran into this.
By Administrator on 2012-08-27T19:19:04 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-08-27T19:19:04 (imported from GitLab)
@randx - regardless, it shouldn't be a fatal error on the app:status check. if there's checks after that, they become useless to anyone not using gitolite straight from their git repo (which when I was installing gitlab, it was recommended to install straight out of gitolite's master branch for some insane reason)
By Administrator on 2012-08-27T23:43:28 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-08-27T23:43:28 (imported from GitLab)
@damianb I think if you install gitolite not from gitlab - you know what you do. In this case you dont need to be bother about all this checks. Guys I dont have resources to cover all cases.
Thats why @vsizov writed installation doc & we write stuff related to this docs. If you know how handle it - you can provide a PR. Thats FOSS. Help from community is appreciated.
By Administrator on 2012-08-28T07:37:47 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-08-28T07:37:47 (imported from GitLab)