I looked at this yesterday. Is there any reason we can't just use the official Linguist and pygments.rb gems? I didn't see any customizations in the GitLab forks.
By Administrator on 2012-09-06T19:16:32 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-09-06T19:16:32 (imported from GitLab)
if somebody decide to delete project (thirdparty gem) we'll lose a lot of time. Therefore we decided to keep it in fork. It is applied to little-known gems
We once discussed it with @randx.
What about pygments. There is one patch in our fork.
Linguist pretty famous project. I don't know the reason.
By Administrator on 2012-09-07T09:59:35 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-09-07T09:59:35 (imported from GitLab)