Network Graph: Show legend with colors < > branches names
Created by: dzaporozhets
When I visit network graph page Then I should see network graph And I should see branches legend
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Do not update/delete: Notification broadcast message test data
Created by: dzaporozhets
When I visit network graph page Then I should see network graph And I should see branches legend
Created by: sroth80021
+1 This would be handy, especially as you look at longer-running branches, and the original branch name cannot be seen. (interestingly, with GL 2.9, I do seem to see more branch name indicators, even if for branches that have been merged and removed -- new feature? It seems to require at least one intermediate commit between the branch and merge points to see the name)
One thing to consider is that the total # of branches over a repo history is likely huge, so it might be nice if you only see the legend/branch names for the branches on the current 'window' of time being displayed.
I guess this would also imply that for the branches on a particular 'window', each branch must have a different color. This is not true today (in GL 2.9). For short-lived branches, the color is re-used across multiple branches.
Another option could be to support hover-over-branch-line to see the branch name.
By Administrator on 2012-09-28T13:24:42 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-09-28T13:24:42 (imported from GitLab)