Wrong date showing
Created by: fingermark
Using r12c01d7 (11/29's HEAD) and viewing the actual commit page ( /myproject/commits/d65ff486c9328f1021585b770463e739db9175ed) is showing the wrong Committed Date for a lot of my revisions. It shows 11 Nov 2011, 10:46am instead of the following that appears in git log:
Date: Tue Nov 29 15:46:13 2011 +0000
In fact, it appears to show 11 Nov 2011 for all of the dates that are incorrect. (Note, many are correct, which are usually older dates).
The date seems to appear correctly in the gitlab commit logs (where it has the "days ago" right).
Also, line 18 of show.html.haml has an incorrect spelling of "Committed Date".
Note: System time is correct. Dates are correct in git log.